Disgraceful appointment as NSFT Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Amy Eagle, admits on Facebook that she ‘f*cked over’ older mental health nurse who was ‘fantastic’ at her job

During the radical redesign, highly trained and experienced front line nurses had their salaries cut and were made redundant or forced out of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) while the mental health trust had hundreds of vacancies and NSFT’s management knew caseloads would be unmanageable. Older, experienced clinical staff were dismissed, some literally, […]

Disgraceful appointment as NSFT Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Amy Eagle, admits on Facebook that she ‘f*cked over’ older mental health nurse who was ‘fantastic’ at her job Read More »

Campaign Translation: New Deputy COO joins our Trust

New Deputy COO joins our Trust **** Old TSSer rejoins our trust F***! Our new Deputy Chief Operating Officer has spoken of her excitement at returning to the Trust and playing a key role in supporting staff to ensure our new Care Groups are a success. Our new Deputy Chief Operating Officer has spoken of

Campaign Translation: New Deputy COO joins our Trust Read More »

EDP: Is this in the public interest? Man who attempted suicide in hospital car park is taken to court

Peter Walsh of the Eastern Daily Press reports: Campaigners have criticised a decision to prosecute a man experiencing mental health problems who lay down in front of vehicles at a Norfolk hospital in an attempt to kill himself. The 40-year-old man, who we have decided not to name, lay down in front of two buses

EDP: Is this in the public interest? Man who attempted suicide in hospital car park is taken to court Read More »

Reaction to the management ‘radical restructure’ and return of Amy Eagle as Deputy Chief Operating Officer of NSFT

Here is just some of the feedback we have received: Closing services, discharging SUs, cutting care, death rate rises. Recognise it? Radical redesign in case you’ve forgotten. Carers and SUs can’t ever forget or forgive That appointment is shocking, they don’t seem to be taking seriously the risk to life of these decisions, we are

Reaction to the management ‘radical restructure’ and return of Amy Eagle as Deputy Chief Operating Officer of NSFT Read More »

Video: Amy Eagle’s contribution to NSFT’s corporate video for the first CQC inspection vs BBC coverage of Alexander Report

Compare what the new deputy Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), Amy Eagle, said in NSFT’s corporate videos for the first Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection with what her staff said in the Alexander Report interviews at the same time. We forced publication of the secret report a year

Video: Amy Eagle’s contribution to NSFT’s corporate video for the first CQC inspection vs BBC coverage of Alexander Report Read More »

Norwich Evening News: Man “frustrated” at mental health delays took his own life after NHS 111 hung up on him

Dominic Gilbert of the Norwich Evening News reports: A 32-year-old with Asperger’s and emotionally unstable personality disorder took his own life when NHS 111 call handlers hung up on him after months of “frustrations” with mental health services. At the inquest into his death, John Worthington’s parents have said their son was “failed” for years

Norwich Evening News: Man “frustrated” at mental health delays took his own life after NHS 111 hung up on him Read More »

EDP Data shows mental health trust has cut doctors and nurses – but chief disputes the figures

Geraldine Scott of the Eastern Daily Press reports: New data has revealed the number of doctors at the region’s mental health trust has shrunk over the last five years – whilst the number of managers has risen. Figures from the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) showed in July 2017 there were 20.3pc fewer

EDP Data shows mental health trust has cut doctors and nurses – but chief disputes the figures Read More »

Campaign statement on NHS Digital payroll data showing 52.7 increase in managers as more than twenty per cent of doctor and qualified nurses cut at NSFT over past five years

A spokesperson for the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk and Suffolk said: “Since 2013, we have repeatedly warned about the increasing number of managers employed at NSFT as mental health services have been savagely cut and the number of unexpected deaths has doubled. But the NHS payroll information is worse than we

Campaign statement on NHS Digital payroll data showing 52.7 increase in managers as more than twenty per cent of doctor and qualified nurses cut at NSFT over past five years Read More »

BBC News: Directors at ‘unsafe’ mental health trust NSFT got pay rise

BBC News reports: Four directors at an “unsafe” mental health trust received £10k pay rises, despite failing to improve standards. As reported in the EADT, Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) boosted pay to £108,000 after it came out of special measures in 2016. A campaign group said the pay rise was “completely unjustifiable”.

BBC News: Directors at ‘unsafe’ mental health trust NSFT got pay rise Read More »

Greed: EADT: ‘Inadequate’ mental health trust NSFT slammed for directors’ £10,000 pay rises

Gemma Mitchell of the Eastern Anglian Daily Times has one of the most shocking exclusives we have ever read about the Board of Shame of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT): Campaigners have reacted with outrage after it emerged four bosses at the region’s failing mental health trust were each awarded £10,000 pay rises

Greed: EADT: ‘Inadequate’ mental health trust NSFT slammed for directors’ £10,000 pay rises Read More »

Government Minister visits Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT)’s new perinatal mental health service

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) has a new perinatal service with £2.5m funding, two highly-paid consultants, a manager and other staff. NSFT’s Board and Comms team think it is brilliant, saying: The new Community Perinatal Mental Health Service for Norfolk and Waveney started seeing a small number of service users in April following

Government Minister visits Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT)’s new perinatal mental health service Read More »

Fact check: EDP: ‘Things are moving in the right direction’ at region’s mental health trust, says chief executive

Geraldine Scott of the EDP ‘interviews’ Michael ‘Payrise’ Scott, the £175,000 per year Chief Executive of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT): The region’s mental health trust has reported it has seen financial growth at the same time as slashing its deficit for the first time in five years. That sounds great. Sadly, ‘slashing

Fact check: EDP: ‘Things are moving in the right direction’ at region’s mental health trust, says chief executive Read More »

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 4: Andrew Hopkins, Finance Director then acting Chief Executive then Finance Director, NSFT

During the radical redesign, Andrew Hopkins was Finance Director of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), becoming acting Chief Executive after the resignation of Aidan Thomas in July 2013. While Andrew Hopkins ‘acted-up’, NSFT employed astonishingly expensive interim finance directors. NSFT wasted unbelievable sums, millions of pounds, on redundancy and early retirement payments in the midst

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 4: Andrew Hopkins, Finance Director then acting Chief Executive then Finance Director, NSFT Read More »

Evening News: Anger over decision to close ‘excellent’ 24-bed ward in Norwich

Nicholas Carding of the Norwich Evening News reports on the closure of yet another 24 beds for the elderly on the Julian Hospital site: A 24-bed ward which helps a hospital discharge patients faster will close in three weeks – less than two years after opening. So much for stopping bed blocking. The Henderson Unit,

Evening News: Anger over decision to close ‘excellent’ 24-bed ward in Norwich Read More »

Fiscal Fantasy Island: NSFT spends over half its Out Of Trust Acute (OOA) Beds budget in first two months of the year

The number of out of trust acute (OOA) bed days has nearly doubled: from 332 days in April 2016 to 647 days in May 2016. Most of these patients are being sent to the expensive, remote and private Mundesley Hospital, where it seems that none of the medical staff have passed the exams of the Royal

Fiscal Fantasy Island: NSFT spends over half its Out Of Trust Acute (OOA) Beds budget in first two months of the year Read More »

Help: Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspecting NSFT in July 2016

CQC, the independent regulator of health, mental health and adult social care in England will be inspecting Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust the week beginning the 11th July.  They would like to hear feedback about mental health services before the inspection. There are a number of ways people can feedback their views (CQC are

Help: Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspecting NSFT in July 2016 Read More »

A Revolution in Mental Health? Questions about the Prime Minister’s announcement of new funding

The government is making much of David Cameron’s mental health announcement today and any new money for mental health is welcome. Yet all of the figures are promises for total funding over the next five years. Mental health funding fell by at least £600 million per year during the last Parliament, when local MP Norman

A Revolution in Mental Health? Questions about the Prime Minister’s announcement of new funding Read More »

EDP: Figures show that mental health funding in Norfolk and Suffolk is not keeping pace

David Powles of the EDP has been investigating whether mental health has been receiving its fair share of NHS funding. The EDP has discovered that despite increasing demand and mental health services being rated Inadequate by the Care Quality Commission and Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) being in Special Measures, the unaccountable commissioners

EDP: Figures show that mental health funding in Norfolk and Suffolk is not keeping pace Read More »

Norwich Evening News: Norwich mother hanged herself weeks after overdose

Peter Walsh of the Norwich Evening News reports: A mother of two was found hanged in her own home less than three weeks after she took an overdose, an inquest has heard. The inquest heard that as a result of a review held following Miss Brickley’s death the Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust is looking

Norwich Evening News: Norwich mother hanged herself weeks after overdose Read More »

Carer’s letter to the Guardian: ‘Will it be my relative next?’

15th October 2015 Despite family pleas for appropriate treatment, a long term user of Norfolk’s mental health services cut her own throat today.  Visited by a Social worker yesterday, she was “placed on the waiting list for assessment under the Mental Health Act” because when last seen she was observed to be suffering harrowing hallucinations

Carer’s letter to the Guardian: ‘Will it be my relative next?’ Read More »

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