EDP Editorial: Pledge has been broken

EDP Opinion and Comment

“At a time when public funds are stretched, there are huge questions to be asked about the cost of sending people hundreds of miles away to private mental health beds. But on a human level, the practice of dispatching vulnerable patients so far from friends and family, must stop.

Officials from the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) and the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) for central Norfolk gave assurances in January to put an end to out of area inpatient placements by the end of April – but it appears that pledge has been broken.

There must be a rethink about how this is achieved if the current approach is not working.

It is clear that demand is unrelenting and this must be tackled head-on. Norfolk and Suffolk must be able to care for its own patients. These long journeys for care must end immediately.”

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