Copyright & Intellectual Property

All third-party intellectual property used on this site is used either with permission of the rights holder or under the fairer dealing exceptions, specifically Section 30(2) and Section 30(3) for the purpose of reporting of current events, of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. It should be noted that the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk & Suffolk is a voluntary organisation which seeks no profit from its activities other than improving the provision of mental health services to some of the most vulnerable in society. We seek no commercial benefit whatsoever in any form and pay no salaries.

We welcome the use of our intellectual property on this website by the media. However, we only do so if reference is made to the Campaign and our website, to allow readers, listeners or viewers to explore the issues further. The main exceptions are original cartoons by Saul Timothy, which are available for personal use but which require written permission for any other use and of which higher resolution images are available. It would also be fantastic if you contact us for a comment on any relevant story.

Opinions expressed on this website are solely those of the writer and not necessarily shared by the Campaign. Comments are not moderated. If you believe a post is abusive, inaccurate or offensive, please get in touch.

If you have any queries please contact

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