Deaths Crisis: North Norfolk News: Gresham’s School sixthformer Rebecca Haley had watched programme featuring depression and suicide before taking her own life

Geraldine Scott of Norfolk Norfolk News reports: Rebecca Haley, known to friends as Becca, died on April 30 at the boarding school in Cromer Road, Holt. Rebecca was one of a staggering twenty Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) patients to die unexpected deaths in April 2016. In the first full year of NSFT’s […]

Deaths Crisis: North Norfolk News: Gresham’s School sixthformer Rebecca Haley had watched programme featuring depression and suicide before taking her own life Read More »

Video: BBC Look East on our AGM protest over removal of unexpected deaths from NSFT Annual Report and Prime Minister’s Questions

Watch Kevin Burch of the BBC report on our AGM protest over the ever-increasing number of deaths of patients of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) and the decision of the NSFT Board to remove the number of unexpected deaths from its Annual Report and Accounts 2015-16. The number of unexpected deaths has appeared

Video: BBC Look East on our AGM protest over removal of unexpected deaths from NSFT Annual Report and Prime Minister’s Questions Read More »

EADT: Protest at Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust AGM over unexpected patient deaths data

Gemma Mitchell of the East Anglian Daily Times reports: Campaigners have demanded answers and greater transparency from mental health bosses over a “shocking” rise in unexpected patient deaths in Suffolk and Norfolk. Bereaved families, carers, patients and NHS staff were among the protesters who yesterday attended the annual general meeting (AGM) of the trust that

EADT: Protest at Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust AGM over unexpected patient deaths data Read More »

Deaths Crisis: Is NSFT the mental health Mid Staffs?

A Campaign spokesperson said: “The decision of the Board of NSFT to remove the number of unexpected deaths from its Annual Report and Accounts 2015-16 is disgraceful. The number of NSFT patients dying unexpectedly increased by thirteen per cent in 2015-16 and continues to do so. Since April 2012, at least 572 NSFT patients have

Deaths Crisis: Is NSFT the mental health Mid Staffs? Read More »

BBC News: Mental health budgets ‘still being cut despite pledge’

Sophie Hutchinson, Health Correspondent of BBC News, writes about the mental health feature on yesterday’s national BBC television news: Mental health trusts in England are still having their budgets cut, despite government assurances they would be funded on a par with physical healthcare, figures suggest. Analysis by the King’s Fund think tank, seen by the

BBC News: Mental health budgets ‘still being cut despite pledge’ Read More »

CQC Report: NSFT ‘Requires Improvement’ but Safety remains ‘Inadequate’

Look beyond the spin from the Board of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT). The Care Quality Commission (CQC) confirms our concerns about beds, staffing, safety and increasing numbers of patient deaths at NSFT. Not enough staff: We had a number of concerns about the safety of some services at this trust. These included

CQC Report: NSFT ‘Requires Improvement’ but Safety remains ‘Inadequate’ Read More »

Deaths Crisis: Norfolk County Council’s Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) demands answers from NSFT

County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich Norfolk NR1 2DH Mr M Scott Chief Executive Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust Letter sent by email 9 September 2016 Dear Mr Scott Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) – unexpected deaths Thank you for attending Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (NHOSC) yesterday and presenting NSFT’s response to

Deaths Crisis: Norfolk County Council’s Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) demands answers from NSFT Read More »

Newsflash: Meeting at NHS Improvement today to decide whether Monitor should release NSFT from Special Measures

Today, officials meet at NHS Improvement (NHSI) to decide whether Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation should be released from Special Measures. Usually, when a health trust is put into Special Measures, money follows from commissioners to help put things right. This has not happened at NSFT. In fact, it has been difficult to get NHS

Newsflash: Meeting at NHS Improvement today to decide whether Monitor should release NSFT from Special Measures Read More »

Guardian: Police says its forces are becoming emergency mental health services

Vikram Dodd in the Guardian reports: Police say they are being relied on as an emergency mental health service and that cuts in psychiatric provision are probably to blame, the Guardian has learned. Officers point to an increase of more than 50% in a decade in the use of powers to detain people under section

Guardian: Police says its forces are becoming emergency mental health services Read More »

EDP: ‘Something has to change’ – Southwold mental health activist Sarah Barrett speaks out after she was hospitalised 206 miles away from home

No wonder the Eastern Daily Press has been shortlisted for a mental health journalism award. Andrew Papworth reports: A teenage mental health patient sent to hospital 206 miles away from home while recovering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a violent assault has said: “We must campaign for local hospitals.” Sarah Barrett was 16 and studying

EDP: ‘Something has to change’ – Southwold mental health activist Sarah Barrett speaks out after she was hospitalised 206 miles away from home Read More »

UPDATED: Deaths Crisis: Whitewash Protest: NSFT AGM, IP-City Centre, 1 Bath Street, Ipswich, IP2 8SD on Thursday 20 October at 2 p.m.

UPDATE: For campaigners travelling by train from Norwich, why not join us on the 1200 train to Ipswich? Meet outside the Norwich train station ticket office at 1145. Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) has seen the number of unexpected deaths of people in its care more than double from around seven per month

UPDATED: Deaths Crisis: Whitewash Protest: NSFT AGM, IP-City Centre, 1 Bath Street, Ipswich, IP2 8SD on Thursday 20 October at 2 p.m. Read More »

EDP: Third CCG boss resigns inside three months

Nicholas Carding of the Eastern Daily Press reports: Dr Sue Crossman, chief officer of West Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), today announced she has resigned after seven years as the health commissioning lead for West Norfolk. It follows the resignations of Andy Evans, of Great Yarmouth and Waveney CCG, earlier this month, and Mark Taylor

EDP: Third CCG boss resigns inside three months Read More »

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