Report reveals mental health trust ‘culture of bullying’ as public excluded from meeting

Jessica Frank-Keyes of the Eastern Daily Press reports: The region’s mental health trust has been criticised for discussing in private a report into its staff culture of “bullying and lack of respect” – at a meeting meant to be open to the public. That says it all really, doesn’t it? Exclusion demonstrates the contempt of […]

Report reveals mental health trust ‘culture of bullying’ as public excluded from meeting Read More »

The Peter Principle

The Peter principle is a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter, which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to their “level of incompetence”: an employee is promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent, as skills in one job do not necessarily translate to another.

The Peter Principle Read More »

CAMHS Crisis: In full: Appalling CQC report into NSFT’s CFYP Youth Services at 80 St Stephen’s

We’ve never read a Care Quality Commission(CQC) inspection report as bad as this. CQC finds that the management of Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust’s (NSFT) mental health services for Children, Families and Young People (CFYP) couldn’t run a bath. Toxic trust NSFT’s response was to shamefully abuse the Covid-19 epidemic as an excuse to

CAMHS Crisis: In full: Appalling CQC report into NSFT’s CFYP Youth Services at 80 St Stephen’s Read More »

CAMHS Crisis: Service Director of NSFT’s Children, Families and Young People’s mental health services, Rob Mack, needs ‘signposting’ – out of the door

Last week, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) published a devastating report into the Youth service based at 80 St Stephen’s in Norwich, which is supposed to support young people in Norwich, North Norfolk and South Norfolk. It is the worst report we have ever read, even by the appallingly low standards of Norfolk & Suffolk

CAMHS Crisis: Service Director of NSFT’s Children, Families and Young People’s mental health services, Rob Mack, needs ‘signposting’ – out of the door Read More »

NHS Staff Survey 2019 exposes the lie that NSFT is ‘clinically-led’

The NHS Staff Survey 2019 was released this month. The Board of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) has claimed repeatedly that the mental health trust is ‘clinically-led’. The NHS Staff Survey 2019 results prove once and for all that the claim that NSFT is ‘clinically-led’ is a LIE. A clinically-led organisation would make

NHS Staff Survey 2019 exposes the lie that NSFT is ‘clinically-led’ Read More »

A Stitch-up is not Safe: Campaign writes to Care Quality Commission regarding NSFT inspection

Today, we have written to Care Quality Commission (CQC) expressing our concerns about the inspection currently underway at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), echoing the views of many stakeholders. While we desperately want NSFT to improve, any improvement needs to be genuine rather predetermined for the convenience of the NHS bureaucracy. CQC cannot

A Stitch-up is not Safe: Campaign writes to Care Quality Commission regarding NSFT inspection Read More »

EDP: ‘It destroys lives’ – Teen’s dismay at 18-month mental health delay

Tom Bristow of the Eastern Daily Press reports: It is a year since inspectors slammed the region’s mental health service for making patients wait too long for help. This week they are back. Has anything changed? Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. Chloe Saunders needs help. The 17-year old has been trying to

EDP: ‘It destroys lives’ – Teen’s dismay at 18-month mental health delay Read More »

EDP: Improving figures, but mental health campaigners say more needs to be done or ‘expect more deaths’

Donna-Louise Bishop of the Eastern Daily Press reports: Campaigners for better mental health provisions say more needs to be done to protect the regions’s most vulnerable patients from being sent hundreds of miles away for treatment. It comes following a meeting of the board of directors for Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), in

EDP: Improving figures, but mental health campaigners say more needs to be done or ‘expect more deaths’ Read More »

Disgraceful appointment as NSFT Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Amy Eagle, admits on Facebook that she ‘f*cked over’ older mental health nurse who was ‘fantastic’ at her job

During the radical redesign, highly trained and experienced front line nurses had their salaries cut and were made redundant or forced out of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) while the mental health trust had hundreds of vacancies and NSFT’s management knew caseloads would be unmanageable. Older, experienced clinical staff were dismissed, some literally,

Disgraceful appointment as NSFT Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Amy Eagle, admits on Facebook that she ‘f*cked over’ older mental health nurse who was ‘fantastic’ at her job Read More »

Campaign Translation: New Deputy COO joins our Trust

New Deputy COO joins our Trust **** Old TSSer rejoins our trust F***! Our new Deputy Chief Operating Officer has spoken of her excitement at returning to the Trust and playing a key role in supporting staff to ensure our new Care Groups are a success. Our new Deputy Chief Operating Officer has spoken of

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Campaign opinion: First Anniversary: Stuart Richardson, Chief Operating Officer, NSFT

Stuart Richardson was appointed as Chief Operating Officer of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) under the leadership of former Chief Executive, Antek Lejk and former Chair, Gary Page and started his job on 1st August 2018. One year ago today. Managing beds is his responsibility. In the six months immediately before Stuart Richardson

Campaign opinion: First Anniversary: Stuart Richardson, Chief Operating Officer, NSFT Read More »

EDP: Revealed: How mental health patients are being sent to failing private hospital

Geraldine Scott of the Eastern Daily Press reports: Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT) sent 21 patients to Kneesworth House, in Royston, over the last year and on Tuesday it was revealed how Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspectors found dirty wards and “uncaring and disrespectful” staff at Hertfordshire unit, as well as Priory Hospital Blandford

EDP: Revealed: How mental health patients are being sent to failing private hospital Read More »

EADT: Mental health trust ‘sorry’ after Ipswich unit was forced to close beds

Emily Townsend of the East Anglian Daily Times reports: Campaigners are warning that mental health services in Suffolk and Norfolk are in “meltdown” after a unit caring for people with learning disabilities was temporarily unable to admit new patients. Six inpatient beds at Walker Close, Ipswich’s Adult Learning Disability Service, had to close to new

EADT: Mental health trust ‘sorry’ after Ipswich unit was forced to close beds Read More »

BBC News: Mental health trust’s out-of-area placements hit record levels

The BBC reports: A troubled mental health trust is sending record numbers of people far from home for treatment, figures show. Some Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust patients are being cared for hundreds of miles away because local beds are unavailable. The number of bed days for out-of-area placements in April 2019 was 1,911,

BBC News: Mental health trust’s out-of-area placements hit record levels Read More »

Reaction to the management ‘radical restructure’ and return of Amy Eagle as Deputy Chief Operating Officer of NSFT

Here is just some of the feedback we have received: Closing services, discharging SUs, cutting care, death rate rises. Recognise it? Radical redesign in case you’ve forgotten. Carers and SUs can’t ever forget or forgive That appointment is shocking, they don’t seem to be taking seriously the risk to life of these decisions, we are

Reaction to the management ‘radical restructure’ and return of Amy Eagle as Deputy Chief Operating Officer of NSFT Read More »

Video: Amy Eagle’s contribution to NSFT’s corporate video for the first CQC inspection vs BBC coverage of Alexander Report

Compare what the new deputy Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), Amy Eagle, said in NSFT’s corporate videos for the first Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection with what her staff said in the Alexander Report interviews at the same time. We forced publication of the secret report a year

Video: Amy Eagle’s contribution to NSFT’s corporate video for the first CQC inspection vs BBC coverage of Alexander Report Read More »

EDP: Campaigners ask where mental health nurses will come from under new GP surgery plan

Geraldine Scott of the Eastern Daily Press reports: Concerns have been raised over where mental health nurses to be placed in doctors’ surgeries are going to come from amid a shortage in the profession. A £500,000 review into Norfolk and Waveney’s health system identified that 127 mental health staff would be needed to work in

EDP: Campaigners ask where mental health nurses will come from under new GP surgery plan Read More »

NHS Staff Survey 2018 – Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is appalling – yet again – yet again

Yet again, the NHS Staff Survey results are appalling. Front line staff have been ‘led’ by overpaid muppets for far too long. With the publication of these results, the ‘leadership’ of the Chief Executive of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), Antek Lejk, has now been rejected by front line staff as well as service

NHS Staff Survey 2018 – Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is appalling – yet again – yet again Read More »

BBC News: Norfolk and Waveney mental health: Dissatisfaction with care

Nic Rigby of the BBC reports: More than 80% of people are dissatisfied with mental health services for adults in Norfolk and Waveney, a report has found. The survey, by the Norfolk and Waveney Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP), said 40% did not know how to access services at all. A patients group criticised the

BBC News: Norfolk and Waveney mental health: Dissatisfaction with care Read More »

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