EDP Front Page: Is ‘remote, awful and inhumane’ mental health support in north Norfolk behind a spate of young men’s deaths?

In investigative reporting that is worthy of a national journalism award, Jessica Frank-Keyes of the Eastern Daily Press writes: Grieving parents and a retired GP say “remote, awful and inhumane” mental health support is leaving young men in north Norfolk at a heightened risk of taking their own lives. In recent months two young men […]

EDP Front Page: Is ‘remote, awful and inhumane’ mental health support in north Norfolk behind a spate of young men’s deaths? Read More »

Demonstration at NSFT Annual General Meeting (AGM): Hat-trick of failure: Three strikes and you’re out!

Directors of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) are saying that they believe that the mental health trust has failed its recent inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), even before the report is published. This would be the third inspection failure by the mental health trust for Norfolk and Suffolk. The situation is

Demonstration at NSFT Annual General Meeting (AGM): Hat-trick of failure: Three strikes and you’re out! Read More »

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