Inquest into the death of Christopher Higgins concluded today: Coroner reports requesting changes to protect the lives of mental health patients in the future

Christopher Higgins was a 36 year old man, who in the last few weeks of his life suffered from his first, but acute, mental breakdown. In those last weeks, his family tried every avenue to get Christopher the help he needed. Christopher’s mental state deteriorated significantly and in the early hours of 25 June 2013,

Inquest into the death of Christopher Higgins concluded today: Coroner reports requesting changes to protect the lives of mental health patients in the future Read More »

EDP: ‘Tell my family I am sorry’ – the first words of mental health patient Christopher Higgins after fall which would prove fatal

Dominic Gilbert of the EDP reports: The heartbreaking first words spoken by Christopher Higgins after he suffered what were to be fatal injuries in a fall at a mental health unit, have been heard at an inquest into his death. When he went to his aid, Mr Higgins said: “Tell my family I am sorry.”

EDP: ‘Tell my family I am sorry’ – the first words of mental health patient Christopher Higgins after fall which would prove fatal Read More »

EDP: Mental health patients in our region are being failed by the government, says MP

Having our campaigning local media and one MP who genuinely cares about mental health makes such a difference. Annabelle Dickson, Political Editor of the EDP, reports: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health services would have almost £70m a year more if they were treated in the same way as physical health, the Norwich South MP has claimed.

EDP: Mental health patients in our region are being failed by the government, says MP Read More »

Kept in the Dark: NSFT’s Board won’t face the public as services go down the toilet

We’ve raised the issue of members of the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) Board sitting with their backsides to the public, sometimes not even turning around to answer direct questions from the public, before, as have others. It is discourteous. From the minutes of the NSFT Board meeting held on 22nd October, released

Kept in the Dark: NSFT’s Board won’t face the public as services go down the toilet Read More »

Video: News Ways of Shirking: Couldn’t run a bath?

The announcement of the new Director of Research is imminent. The favoured candidates are said to be involved with private hospitals, practice extensive ‘timeshifting’ and to enjoy astonishing salaries of between £150,000 and £250,000 per year from the NHS alone. Neither has a PhD. But both have defended the management of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS

Video: News Ways of Shirking: Couldn’t run a bath? Read More »

EDP: Figures show that mental health funding in Norfolk and Suffolk is not keeping pace

David Powles of the EDP has been investigating whether mental health has been receiving its fair share of NHS funding. The EDP has discovered that despite increasing demand and mental health services being rated Inadequate by the Care Quality Commission and Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) being in Special Measures, the unaccountable commissioners

EDP: Figures show that mental health funding in Norfolk and Suffolk is not keeping pace Read More »

EDP: Union backs Mental Health Watch campaign – and highlights ongoing concerns in Norfolk and Suffolk

David Powles of the EDP reports: Bosses of the trust used their recent AGM to proclaim of turning a corner, but Ms Corlett says while some things have improved – there’s a long way to go before staff feel that is the case. She explained: “A lot of staff still feel angry about how change

EDP: Union backs Mental Health Watch campaign – and highlights ongoing concerns in Norfolk and Suffolk Read More »

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