NSFT is a Foundation Trust, meaning members SHOULD be able to hold the board to account.

Due to NSFT being a Foundation Trust, it SHOULD mean that the public members, who can elect the governors can have more of a say in what shapes the Trust. It also SHOULD mean that the public and governors have more say in holding the Trust to ACCOUNT.

As the membership is not widely spoken about to service users and carers, we would like to share with you how you can become a member, to be able to exercise your rights within this foundation trust.


NSFT explains that being a member means they should be:

Involving and sharing how Member input has helped drive improvements by:

Updating Members via e-mail bulletins linking to Governor priorities

Sharing positive and honest stories through the update, Members area and social media

Promoting involvement in advisory groups, strategies and plans


Members can…

Help shape the Trust Strategy and our Annual Plan

Elect Governors to represent you or stand yourself

Influence Board performance by sharing your views and experiences with your elected Governors

Get involved in volunteering opportunities
Inform Governor priorities used to hold the Board to account

We urge you as the local public, service users and carers to become members to be able to help push for positive change and most importantly hold this Trust to account which is what SHOULD be the case within this Foundation Trust.

If it continues that the public and the governors cannot hold the board to account and there continues to be evidence of this, we will need to question whether or not this trust should be allowed to remain as a Foundation Trust.

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