Here we go again… New CEO at NSFT gets off to a poor start with campaigners.

It is with regret that we have to report that the campaign’s relationship with the new CEO of NSFT looks like it’s breaking down. Before we have even met him. This is a first for us. All the previous CEOs at least managed some tokenistic meetings with our representatives . We genuinely wanted to give […]

Here we go again… New CEO at NSFT gets off to a poor start with campaigners. Read More »

Tribute to Terry O’Shea – our friend and founder member

On 30th April 2021, we said goodbye to our friend and founder member of our campaign, Terry O’Shea. The funeral service was beautiful and a fitting farewell. Due to Covid restrictions, 30 people attended and the service was live-streamed and nearly 200 people viewed it. We already knew Terry could ‘pull a crowd’ because his

Tribute to Terry O’Shea – our friend and founder member Read More »

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