On the fourth day of Christmas, the cuts took away… beds but not humanity


This is the powerful story ‘Dave’ wants us to share:

I am supporting the campaign because it’s about time someone had the courage to speak out. I used to work in one of the crisis teams until recently. I had to transport a patient to a private hospital after being assessed and of course no beds locally again. So a trip of over 100 miles in an ambulance in the middle of the night to get there, only to be told that the funding had not been agreed therefore the patient could not be admitted there, which resulted in us being sent back and a bed being made up in the floor of the ward. I was absolutely disgusted not only as a member of staff working in the nhs but as a human being. I was so annoyed that I went to the nearest 24 hour supermarket to buy a nightshirt and some clean underwear for the poor person to wear as they had nothing. I can’t even begin to think what that wasted journey all cost, not to mention the distress to the patient.  I never did put the receipt in to claim back for those clothes, but for a patient to have some dignity was what was more important to me.

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