Sister campaigns: Rally and march in Eccles on 29th March 2014 at 1230

Save Bolton Health Services

Campaigners are holding a rally and march against outrageous cuts to mental health services in Salford, Trafford and Bolton. It is taking place on 29th March 2014 at 1230 in Eccles. We give our wholehearted support to this campaign. You can download the rally flyer as a pdf.

You can discover more on their website or Facebook page. There is also an e-petition.

Responsible department: Department of Health

To Jeremy Hunt, and to Beverly Humphreys, Chief exec GMW NHS Trust.

We the undersigned are appalled at proposals to close a mental health ward at Bolton and another at Salford. We are also concerned that discussions are taking place to centralise mental health beds into one or two sites, possibly resulting in all adult mental health beds for Bolton, Salford and Trafford being moved to Prestwich. We believe bed closures would be harmful for patients. Current occupancy rate in Bolton is 98%. The government believes 85% is a safe occupancy rate. This would only get worse if beds closed. Patients and their families would have to travel miles. It would prolong recovery, reduce access to leave, reduce contact with family and friends. Government have cut NHS funding by 5% every year, whilst expecting Trusts to provide the same service. We demand that money is returned to the NHS and that Greater Manchester West NHS Trust refuses to pass on these cuts and keeps a full, local service.

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