Sixth Day of Lent: Going without… £24,993 wasted on a new NSFT website

We’ve been having a look at the new, unlaunched and supposedly-hidden Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) website. We know from a Freedom of Information (FOI) Act request that NSFT paid £25,000 for its new website as follows:

“Supplier – Cloud2 Limited

Design Cost £9,350.00

Development Cost £11,050.00

Deployment Cost £4,600.00

Total Cost £25,000.00″

Our campaign has an ICT budget of £50 and no ICT staff. NSFT has an ICT budget of £9.69 million and lots of ICT staff.

Our campaign website has cost £7. Why not have a look at NSFT’s new website and tell us whether you think it is worth 3,571 times more than a website like ours? We can’t work it out. It doesn’t even work properly on a phone. Let us know what you think.

Wouldn’t the money have been better spent on front line services and a website that worked properly on small screens?

Whether you use mental health services, are a carer or member of staff, let us know your stories: we’re stronger together.

Click on the image below to have a look around the secret £25,000 website. No, we can’t believe it either:

New NSFT website


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