Sean O’Neill of The Times reports:
The former Labour cabinet minister Patricia Hewitt must accept responsibility for the “foolish and misguided support” given to a paedophile campaign by a leading human rights group, the inquiry report said.
Ms Hewitt and her former ministerial colleague Harriet Harman were senior figures in the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL) in the 1970s and 1980s. At the time it backed the work of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), a group that campaigned to lower the age of consent.
The report said that the NCCL’s leaders “should have known better” and: “There was a fundamental failure to see the problem and a lack of moral courage to confront it.”
Patricia Hewitt is the Chair of the Norfolk & Waveney STP.
When Hewitt stepped down from being the Secretary of State for Health, she stepped up to the personal enrichment trough whilst still supposedly a MP, ‘working’ for the owners of the BUPA private hospitals, Boots and BT.
Hewitt is a disgrace and so is her position at the top of Norfolk and Waveney STP.
Click on the image below to read more on The Times website (paywall):