BBC Radio Norfolk: NSFT misleadingly claims that campaign will not meet Mr. Page

BBC Radio Norfolk


Here’s the relevant part of our email from which Mr Page quoted, including the parts Mr Page chose not to read out in italics:

2. Informal meeting with yourself and Graham Creelman

You recently met with Jxxx and Sxxxxx is having lunch with Graham Creelman today. We have every confidence in their ability to accurately articulate the opinions and objectives of the campaign. We will discuss your kind offer to meet informally at our meeting next Tuesday. However, given our volunteers’ current workload, meeting CCGs, MPs, PPCs, press, councillors, etc. and preparing for the presentation to governors, this is unlikely to happen in the short term. You will have noticed some of us are currently walking from Ipswich to Norwich to highlight the cuts and crisis at NSFT.

Mr. Page replied:

As you say I have met with Jxxx and Sxxxxx is indeed meeting with Graham. These are useful discussions. There have also been meetings and discussions between other campaign members and Andrew Hopkins over the last few months. Campaign members have also been present and welcomed at a number of our public Board meetings.

The very misleading NSFT press release is here.

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