“Currently, there is no requirement on teaching staff in our schools to undertake any mental health first aid training. Physical first aid training is of course mandatory, so why not mental health? This initiative would mean that children showing early signs of mental distress may be helped earlier and signposted for early intervention as opposed to being dismissed as bad behaviour (as is sometimes the case).
This small change could help dramatically alleviate some of the suffering of both children/young people and their parents and the frustration and trauma of trying to access suitable services. Professionals such as teachers have little to no training to help identify mental ill health and the current situation is unfair on teachers, children and their families. Such as measure would cost very little but could save a great deal, financially and emotionally, by reducing stigma and instances of children/young people presenting in crisis or worse.
We all agree with early intervention and parity of esteem but we need properly trained staff to make this aspiration a reality. If you agree with us and would like to highlight this to our Government, please sign this petition to help our children get the parity in health that they all deserve.
Thank you!”

CAMHS Crisis Petition: Make Mental Health First Aid training mandatory for at least one teacher in every Primary and Secondary School in England
Please support this excellent and overdue initiative, a result of frustrating experiences with their own children, by carer members of our campaign.