EADT: Bury St Edmunds woman who feels abandoned by mental health service in court again

Colin Adwent of the East Anglian Daily Times reports:

A Suffolk MP and the county’s Police and Crime Commissioner have pledged to do all they can to help a troubled young woman who feels abandoned by the mental health service.

The troubled woman’s latest offences occurred just three days after she appeared before the same court for assaulting a police officer.

He had grabbed a cigarette lighter from her after she doused herself in petrol and threatened to light it while in her Bury St Edmunds flat on December 27.

During a hearing on December 29 District Judge Alexander Jacobs was left perplexed as to what sentence to pass.

In the end he gave the woman a six-month community order, despite a probation officer saying there was nothing the service could do to address mental health issues.

Judge Jacobs told her: “You are still not well in my judgment. Someone needs to help you.”

Previously the woman’s solicitor Lyndon Davies said: “She feels somewhat abandoned by the mental health services.”

Even judges are left despairing of the lack of help and support.

The EADT further reports:

Despite being contacted two weeks ago to forewarn it of the woman’s latest court case, Norfolk and Suffolk Mental Health Trust failed to provide a comment.

The trust’s press office was contacted six times over the last five working days for a statement following the hearing. Although it said a response was being prepared none was forthcoming.

We have written recently about the enormous sums being wasted on the NSFT Comms department. The EADT’s experience is far from unusual. Wouldn’t the hundreds of thousands of pounds be better spent helping people in crisis?

Read the story in full on the EADT website by clicking on the image below:

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