We have been asked by the regulator of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), Care Quality Commission (CQC), to submit feedback before its forthcoming inspection in September. The relevant part of its letter to us is summarised below:
We would like to receive information you hold relevant to the quality and safety of services offered by the provider. This includes evidence of high-quality care as well as concerns you have identified. This might include (but is not limited to):
– Notable examples of high performance / innovation during the year
– Concerns or notable changes in governance, leadership or service delivery models
– Serious incident themes
– Current areas of concern – including those raised by federated CCGs and the QSG
– Complaints and feedback (inc. PALS data)
– Results of clinical reviews and audits (e.g. ‘walking the service’ reports)
– Outcomes of CCG risk summits
– Service reviews
– Summary of safeguarding concerns
– Any serious case reviews regarding the provider in the last 18 months
– Any issues around equality and diversityPlease ensure that any examples you share with us do not contain patient identifiable information.
The feedback you provide will be considered before the inspection to help identify any current issues or concerns, specific questions we will follow up and any additional services which we may look at during our inspection. We may summarise the information you send us in any data pack we produce for each organisation, unless you specifically ask us not to. We will not include the names of any individuals whose comments we may summarise.
We have kindly been asked to attend the meeting of the North Norfolk branch of the Campaign on Tuesday 11th July at 7 p.m. There is parking in the doctor’s surgery car park. There is a location map below.
This is a chance for you to share your experience of NSFT, preferably within the past six months, as a patient, carer or staff member. We’ve already received many responses. Don’t worry if you can’t understand all the NHS ‘system’ jargon in the letter: we simply need to hear what you want to say.
If you can’t attend but would like to make your voice heard, get in touch.