URGENT: A rare opportunity to directly question Norman Lamb, local MP and the Minister directly responsible for mental health at the Department of Health at a PUBLIC MEETING on health and care issues on Thursday, 15 January 2015 at 7.30 p.m. Protest from 7 p.m.

Muppet puppet Lamb Chop cropped

There is a rare opportunity to question Norman Lamb this Thursday, 15 January, 1930 at the Market Hall, Saxmundham, IP17 1AF. We will be protesting beforehand from 1900 and then attending the meeting.

It is vital that we challenge Norman Lamb over his government’s cuts to mental health, the disastrous reorganisation of the NHS which means that nobody takes responsibility for broken promises like the beds pledge and the proposed privatisation/mutualisation of NSFT. If duplicitous government ministers and politicians are allowed to get away with claiming to be mental health champions whilst doing the opposite, mental health services will not improve. We cannot allow the loss of any more lives.

We know from the media that Norman Lamb avoids debating mental health issues directly with campaigners, prefering pre-recorded interviews and increasingly written statements. Yes, Saxmundham is quite difficult to get to but a physical presence makes a real difference, even if you don’t ask a question. We can offer help with transport to those who can attend and costs for those who need help. If you need or can offer a lift get in touch. We already know that we can offer lifts from the Vauxhall Centre in Norwich, leaving at 1745 on Thursday evening.

Please join us on Thursday and let others know about our protest and attendance.

Find below the public invitation from the Liberal Democrats and a location map.

Health and Social Care in an Ageing Society
The Rt Hon Norman Lamb MP, Minister of State for Care and Support, is coming to speak at a PUBLIC MEETING on health and care issues at the Market Hall, Saxmundham, on Thursday, 15 January 2015 at 7.30 pm. 

Chair. Cllr Marian Andrews

Norman Lamb practised as an employment solicitor in Norfolk and, following the formation of the Liberal Democrat Party, served as a Norfolk City Councillor for several years until 1991 when he began campaigning for a Parliamentary seat. Elected to Westminster in 2001 he has held various posts within the Liberal Democrats, including Shadow Health Secretary from 2006 to 2010. In 2012 Norman Lamb became Minister of State within the Coalition Government with responsibility for health policies on older people, dementia, local government, adult social care, end of life care, mental health services and the prison service.

This event, organised by Suffolk Coastal Liberal Democrats, is likely to be of great interest to local health, social care and charity workers as well as the general public, who will be most welcome. Refreshments available.

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