Forthcoming Events: Including deadline for HealthEast consultation @ 5 p.m. Thursday 24 April

Time for events, dear boy, events

Whatever Mr. Page, the Chair of Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), tries to claim in the EDP, the crisis in mental health services deepens, with:

  • hundreds of people who use services without a care coordinator
  • between twenty and thirty people in beds beyond Norfolk & Suffolk at any one time
  • crisis teams overwhelmed
  • hundreds of vacancies in critical front-line posts
  • routine referrals taking two months for assessment
  • millions wasted on vanity projects and a redundancy programme so inept it should become a business school case study in how not to undertake organisational change.

We’ll be delighted to stop campaigning when there is nothing to campaign about, Mr.Page – but not because our exposures of the disgraceful truth are embarrassing to the NSFT Board and threaten their jobs and reputations.

Here are the events currently planned for April and May:

24th April       Deadline for the consultation into mental health services is 5 p.m. The questionnaire is available online here. Please complete the questionnaire – it won’t take long and it is vital that ordinary voices are heard. HealthEast are the only CCG to have given the public an opportunity to give their views on the radical redesign. You can find out more about the background by clicking here.

25th April       AMHPs from NSFT and NCC meeting with North Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group

25th April       Campaign members meeting with their constituency MP, Norman Lamb

26th April       Stall at the Forum, outside at 10 am

1st May          Joint NSFT/NCC Unison AMHP meeting to consider industrial action over bed shortages and impossible working conditions

4th May          Stall and speaking at May Day Rally at Chapelfield Gardens, Norwich – time to be confirmed – see website, email, Facebook or Twitter

6th May          Organising Committee Meeting 6.30 pm Vauxhall Centre, Norwich – all welcome

10th May        Norfolk Coalition against Cuts AGM, Campaign may be invited to speak

24/25th May   March on Norman Lamb, assemble at Hellesdon Hospital 10 a.m. further details to follow, pencil in your diary.

As always, thanks for your support.

94 thoughts on “Forthcoming Events: Including deadline for HealthEast consultation @ 5 p.m. Thursday 24 April”

  1. 26th April Stall at the Forum

    An excellent response from the public. Many signatures for our petition and useful conversations. Radio Norfolk noticed us and came to conduct an interview so more publicity on it’s way.

    Well done Sally, Sally, Jess, Mary and Terry. Also thanks to our friends from the S.W.P. for collecting petition signatures and sending people to see us.


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