Help us set important rather than superficial targets – NSFT Quality Matters Survey closes 14th February

We are inviting all of our supporters to complete the NSFT Quality Matters Survey so that important rather than superficial quality issues are addressed by the NSFT Board in the forthcoming year. The survey ends on Friday 14 February so there are only a couple of days to complete it. It is very quick. Find below our suggested answers which can be cut and pasted into the ‘Other’ answer box for each of the three questions.

Question 1: Your experience: Stop closing beds that are desperately needed, delaying or denying treatment to those in crisis, many of whom are being sent to the other side of the country at great financial and personal cost

Question 2: Clinical effectiveness: Stop making experienced staff redundant destroying continuity and quality of care whilst simultaneously spending £1.5 million per month on temporary staff and more than £7 million on redundancies

Question 3: Safety: Stop pretending vicious cuts are improvements and enter into serious dialogue with service users, carers, commissioners and staff about what is needed to deliver a safe service which meets NICE guidelines

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