Invitation: Early Intervention (EI) in Psychosis Event at 1700 on 13th September at the King’s Centre, Norwich NR1 1PH

There is an opportunity for patients, families and carers to feedback to management and commissioners about proposed changes to Early Intervention (EI) in Psychosis services at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT).

Even though this event is taking place in Norwich, it is for people from across Norfolk and Suffolk. Despite NSFT’s protestations of ‘one trust’, the reality of the Magnificent Seven CCGs is that the Suffolk commissioners and NSFT have failed to fund and provide a proper EI service in Suffolk despite a national requirement to do so. If you believe that Suffolk should have proper EI service, please try to attend. If you can’t make it, you can always get in touch. A proper EI service in Suffolk is one of the founding aims of our campaign.

It is important to get the views of those who rely on mental health services heard as part of this process. It is also important to hear from people who may have been excluded from EI (for example, due to age or geography).

The event is on Tuesday 13th September from 5 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. at the King’s Centre, Norwich NR1 1PH. It is being led by ex-service users and will be feeding into a steering group including commissioners and managers as part of the current round of contract negotiations [we hope clinicians too but you never know with NSFT].

You can download the agenda and the poster which you can distribute.

  • The event is open to anyone with an interest in Early Intervention in Psychosis services including service users and families and friends of service users. You can bring anyone you like to support you to attend.
  • The event is being led by young people who have previously used EI services.
  • Professionals are welcome to come in order to support service users.
  • This is an opportunity for those who are affected by changes in EI services to get their voices heard – the outcomes of the event will be fed back to both managers within NSFT and commissioners.
  • You are welcome to stay for a small part of it or the whole event. There will be opportunities to speak but no-one will be under any pressure to speak if they don’t want to. You can leave at any time.
  • Early Intervention Team staff will be available to offer support throughout the event.
  • If you need to take breaks, have a walk around or play with your phone that’s fine.

Here is a location map:

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