March for Mental Health: Saturday 16th January 2016, Norwich city centre, 11 a.m.

Hellesdon Demonstration crop

We will be marching for mental health through Norwich city centre on Saturday 16th January 2016, assembling on the steps of the main entrance to Norwich City Hall at 11 a.m.

We organised this march in response to a large number of requests received by the local media and our campaign. Mental health is now the area of most public concern within the NHS.

We must make ‘parity of esteem’ more than a shallow politician‘s soundbite: if mental health services had received the same percentage funding increases during the last Parliament as the largest physical health trust in Norfolk, the budget of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) would be nearly £70 million higher than it is today. No wonder services are in crisis.

Despite the appalling damage from previous cuts, further cuts of £36m are proposed to mental health services that have been rated Inadequate by the Care Quality Commission.

Even now, mental health services are still receiving lower funding increases than physical health.

We can show our local Clinical Commissioning Groups, local councils and MPs, NHS England, Department of Health and Government that we will no longer tolerate blatant discrimination and still more tragedies.

No more cuts, no more deaths, no more discrimination.

Below, there is a poster you can download and distribute (clicking on the image will allow you to view and save as a pdf) and a location map.

We have permission from the police and require marshals to help keep the march on route and to assist those who might need help. If you could be a marshal, please get in touch.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 16th January. Please let others know and join us on the day.

March for Mental Health

Location map:

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