Video: BBC Look East – Number of people in beds beyond Norfolk & Suffolk rises to 50!

When we started our campaign one year ago, we never thought the beds and community crises would become worse. But they have! We’ve won some victories but imagine how much worse things would be without our campaign! Join us at our Anniversary Open Meeting on Thursday 27th November to fight for decent mental health services.

As the number of Norfolk and Suffolk patients in out of area beds rises to fifty for the first time, Nikki Fox of the BBC talks to a woman forced to travel to Nottingham for a bed. Michael Scott, the Chief Executive of Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), admits that community services are underfunded and the Campaign points out that everybody is happy to say how ‘totally unacceptable’ the situation is but nobody is willing to do anything about it. Of course, the latter is especially true of Norman Lamb, who is the Minister of State at the Department of Health in the current government directly responsible for mental health and a local MP, and The Magnificient Seven.

Do read Nic Rigby’s excellent and complementary articles on the current state of the bed crisis and the £30 million hole in NSFT’s budget.

Watch the video below. If you are an Apple user and have trouble viewing the embedded video you can view it directly on Youtube. Sorry, this issue is a sometime side effect of the on-going battle between Google and Apple which is beyond our control.

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