Video: itv NEWS Anglia – Mental Health Trust condemned as inadequate

Norman Lamb MP appears on itv NEWS Anglia as a campaigner, a self-proclaimed mental health champion:

“It is misguided to think that you can reduce spending in mental health and not expect consequences to that”

So, who is the Minister of State at the Department of Health directly responsible for mental health who has overseen massive cuts to mental health spending?

Who is the local MP who has failed to act despite many letters from and meetings with concerned service users, carers and professionals expressing grave and immediate concerns about the management and funding cuts at Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT)?

Who is the local MP who did nothing while his local commissioning group, North Norfolk CCG, the lead commissioning group for Norfolk, broke its promise to eliminate the use of out of area beds by the end of April 2014?

Who is the local MP who bleated on about parity of esteem while mental health funding in Norfolk and Suffolk was cut by three per cent as physical health funding increased by an average 15%?

Who is the local MP who said he doesn’t care if NHS services are delivered by the public, private or voluntary sector?

Who is the local MP who called Circle a mutual despite it being majority owned by hedge funds and who said it was an ‘inspiration‘ even as it failed at Hinchingbrooke Hospital?

Who is the local MP who voted to create the unaccountable, Kafkaesque system of CCGs and NHS England?

Duplicitous Norman ‘mental health champion’ Lamb is the answer to all of these questions.

Mental health services need the £30 million missing from the NSFT annual budget and, given the lowest CQC rating of inadequate, the money is needed now.

Click on the image below to visit the itv NEWS Anglia website where you can the video:

itv NEWS Anglia Mental Health Trust condemned as inadequate

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