Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 3: Maggie Wheeler, Chair, NSFT

Because of her then status in the Norwich Labour Party, and the frequent use of politically-correct buzzwords like ‘recovery’ and ‘ImROC’, many people trusted Maggie Wheeler and her Board when it promised ‘new services will be as effective as they are now, if not better’ as a result of the Trust Service Strategy (TSS) at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), better […]

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Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 2: Aidan Thomas, Chief Executive, NSFT

Aidan ‘I’m No Dirty Den’ Thomas was the Chief Executive of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) during the Trust Service Strategy (TSS) consultation process, better known as the ‘radical redesign’. The ‘radical redesign’ was condemned by the King’s Fund in the Health Service Journal (HSJ) and is widely regarded as an unmitigated disaster which resulted in

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 2: Aidan Thomas, Chief Executive, NSFT Read More »

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 1: Hadrian Ball, Medical Director, NSFT

Hadrian Ball was the Medical Director and highest-paid member of the Board of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) throughout the Trust Service Strategy (TSS), better known as the ‘radical redesign’. The ‘radical redesign’ was condemned by the King’s Fund in the Health Service Journal (HSJ) and is widely regarded as an unmitigated disaster which

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 1: Hadrian Ball, Medical Director, NSFT Read More »

The Thick of: NSFT Comms advertises another £105,060 of jobs

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) used to have a handful of people in its Communications department before the disastrous ‘radical redesign’. However, as NSFT has cut mental health services and made front line staff redundant, its Comms department has grown and grown. We’ve been tipped off by a supporter about another £105,060 per year of Comms recruitment by NSFT on

The Thick of: NSFT Comms advertises another £105,060 of jobs Read More »

Revolving Doors: EDP: ‘It really is a disgrace’ – Norfolk community health bosses anger union with staff wage cuts

Tom Bristow of the Eastern Daily Press reports: Norfolk Community Health and Care Trust (NCH&C) looks after thousands of patients a day through nurses and therapists visiting people in their homes, as well as in community hospitals, including Norwich Community Hospital on Bowthorpe Road. But it has angered Unison by increasing total board wages and

Revolving Doors: EDP: ‘It really is a disgrace’ – Norfolk community health bosses anger union with staff wage cuts Read More »

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