Dear Keith,
Here are some questions for you about mental health in Broadland:
Do you agree that it is a scandal that the age-adjusted three-year-rolling suicide rate, as published by the Office of National Statistics (ONS), rose by a staggering 164 per cent in Broadland between 2010-12 and 2013-15 while you were the Conservative MP for Broadland? The number of people dying has more than doubled. The increase in Broadland is TWENTY-SIX TIMES the average rise of 6.3 per cent in England over the same period.
What did you do to stop the cuts and chaos at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT)?
What did you do to stop highly trained and experienced front line mental health staff losing their jobs?
What did you do to stop bed closures twice as high as the national average?
Why isn’t there the money to open half of the brand-new mental health beds for young people in Norfolk that have never been used?
What did you do to stop young, working-age and older people being transported across the country in times of crisis?
What did you do to stop bosses at the CCGs and NSFT paying themselves more and more as they cut mental health services?
What did you do to stop the CCGs your government created diverting money away from mental health?
Why did the government of which you were a member let this scandal happen?
Why didn’t you act to protect the lives of some of the most in need in your constituency?
Will you support our call for a public inquiry into this scandal?
Do you care about mental health services?
What are you going to do to put things right?
To be fair to you, Keith, you’ve never shown much interest in mental health.
But given the huge increase in the number of deaths, don’t you think you should have shown more?