5th Day of Lent: Going without a canteen


David says:

“Therapists use many different tools. Some of my favourites use ladles and fish slices. Sharing a meal at a table does more than feed a patient’s body. It feeds our souls. Nourishing food garnished with tender humanity and a kind word, taken to a table and shared with other people whose lives are inherently empty and lonely – this is beyond price. There have been times when I have risen from the table with good food in my belly and hope in my heart and known the same to be true of those who shared that table with me – that when we sat down together it was not just our stomachs that needed filling. Canteens and dining rooms can be places of healing just as much as any consulting room or therapy room.”
Whether you use mental health services, are a carer or member of the staff, let us know your stories: we’re stronger together.
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