Campaign governors needed at NSFT


The governing body of the Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) has failed to properly scrutinise the non-executive directors of the Trust and does not reflect the opinions of the majority of its stakeholders. This failure of corporate governance is an important factor in the worsening crisis in mental health services in Norfolk and Suffolk, which has seen: crucial services failed by the CQC as a direct result of the ‘radical redesign’; people in crisis sent across the country for lack of beds; £7.3 million wasted on redundancy payments when the Trust is spending £1.5 million per month on temporary staff; the loss of the Section 75 contract with Norfolk County Council; a sham consultation in which services are closed before the public consultation starts; a complete collapse in staff morale and consequent recruitment crisis.

Given this disastrous situation, the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk & Suffolk feels compelled to give its support to the election of knowledgeable and committed governors from service user, carer, staff, partner, youth and public constituencies who will be robust in exercising their duty to hold the trust to account rather than being uncritically and unconditionally supportive of the NSFT Board and executive. The campaign will fully support elected governors if NSFT’s appointed directors or management attempt to patronise, bully or intimidate governors when they exercise their democratic mandate and duty to hold the Trust to account.

We will be putting forward a campaign candidate for election every time a new vacancy arises. If you are interested in standing as a campaign governor, or are an existing governor and wish to affiliate with the campaign, please get in touch and we will add you to our list of supported candidates.

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