Below is a list of the people interviewed in the so-called ‘wide range of engagement meetings with local stakeholders’ during the £58,000 Beds Review.
Thirty-nine are senior employees of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT).
Five are commissioning bureaucrats.
None are service users.
None are bereaved relatives.
None are carers.
None are from patient or carer organisations.
None are from the voluntary sector.
None are service user, carer or public governors.
None are from the police.
None are Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs).
None are from the emergency services.
None are coroners.
None are democratically-elected local councillors or Members of Parliament (MPs).
So much for ‘No decision about me, without me.’
Then again, this shameful behaviour is par for the course for NSFT, which forced through the appointment of a senior bureaucrat to lead stakeholder engagement whom stakeholders didn’t want. What a fine job that appointee has made of ensuring stakeholder representation in the beds review.
Gary Page and his NSFT Board of Shame would rather close its meetings half an hour early than take public questions.
The beds review is a flawed, fixed farce.
- Alison Armstrong, Director of Operations, Suffolk, NSFT
- Dr Larry Ayuba, Consultant Psychiatrist, NSFT (telephone interview)
- Andy Barton, Manager, Home Treatment Team, Suffolk, NSFT
- Maureen Begley, Commissioning Manager, Mental Health, Norfolk County Council
- Dr Nagendra Bendi, Consultant Psychiatrist, Crisis & Home Treatment Team, Norfolk, NSFT
- Steve Birt, Care Pathway & Discharge Nurse, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, NSFT
- David Bullivent, Interim Manager, Suffolk, NSFT
- Julie Cave, Finance Director / Deputy Chief Executive, NSFT
- Laz Chirimunjiri, Deputy Service Manager (Acute), NSFT
- Jane Coates, Acute Service Manager, Woodlands, Suffolk, NSFT
- Pauline Davies, Locality Manager, West Norfolk, NSFT
- Dr Stephen Dye, PICU Consultant Psychiatrist, Woodlands, Suffolk, NSFT
- Dr Luk Ho, Consultant Psychiatrist, Fermoy Unit, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kings Lynn, NSFT
- Matt Jackson, Clinical Team Leader, Woodlands, Suffolk, NSFT
- Donan Kelly, Service Director, Suffolk NSFT (telephone interview)
- Charlie Loades, CTL, PICU, Norfolk, NSFT
- Dr Martyn, Crisis & Home Treatment Team, Norfolk, NSFT
- Emma Mertens, CTL, Thurne Ward, NSFT
- Dr Albert Michael, Consultant Psychiatrist, NSFT
- Del Mitchell, Community Service Manager, NSFT (telephone interview)
- Micki Munro, Manager, Older Peoples Services, NSFT
- Dr Tony Palframan, GP Poringland, member of South Norfolk CCG
- Kris Panvalkar, Modern Matron, Suffolk, NSFT
- Steph Payne, Deputy Service Manager, NSFT
- Dr Vivien Peeler, Consultant Psychiatrist, Home Treatment Team, Suffolk, NSFT
- Dr Simi Periera, Consultant Psychiatrist, NSFT
- Ruth Pillar, Service Manager, Older Peoples Services, Norfolk, NSFT
- Dr Judy Rubenstein, Consultant Psychiatrist, Later Life, Bury St Edmunds, NSFT
- Jane Sayer, Director of Nursing, Quality & Patient Safety, NSFT
- Mike Seaman, Acute Service Manager, NSFT
- Michael Scott, Chief Executive, NSFT
- Homayoun Sepehrara, Team Manager, Crisis & Home Treatment Team, Norfolk, NSFT (telephone interview)
- Dr Bohdan Solomka, Medical Director, NSFT
- Dr Suzanne Stacey, Consultant Psychiatrist, Willows Ward, Woodlands, Suffolk, NSFT
- Darren Stanton, Clinical Lead, Crisis & Home Treatment Team, Norfolk, NSFT (telephone interview)
- Veno Sunghuttee, Associate Director of Operations, Norfolk, NSFT
- Dr Rosalind Tandy, GP & West Suffolk Governing Body Member
- Dr Uju Ugochukwu, Consultant Psychiatrist, Early Intervention in Psychosis Service, NSFT (telephone interview)
- Dr Hugo de Waal, Consultant Psychiatrist in Old Age Psychiatry, NSFT
- Debbie White, Director of Operations, Norfolk & Waveney, NSFT
- Euan Williamson, Integrated Mental Health Commissioning Manager, NHS North Norfolk CCG and Norfolk County Council
- Matt Wilson, Interim Project Manager, NSFT
- Karen Wood, Transformation Lead, Mental Health, West Suffolk CCG
- Lesley Workman, Acting Service Manager, Later Life Services, NSFT