Campaign sets the agenda as Gary Page, NSFT Chair, emails all Trust staff

Gary Page, NSFT Chair, emailed all NSFT staff on 10th January 2014: “Dear Colleagues, As the first working week of the New Year ends, I wanted to share with you my reflections on last year and hopes for 2014. I know 2013 was difficult for many staff and the Trust overall.  Implementation of the Service […]

Campaign sets the agenda as Gary Page, NSFT Chair, emails all Trust staff Read More »

Lobby of lead commissioners for mental health in Norfolk – North Norfolk CCG – Tuesday 21 January 2014

You can download the original leaflet in pdf format to print or distribute. MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES ARE IN SEVERE CRISIS: cuts to psychiatric beds, so that patients are being admitted hundreds of miles away from home staff cuts to community and crisis teams, so that patients in the community are not receiving the care they need key

Lobby of lead commissioners for mental health in Norfolk – North Norfolk CCG – Tuesday 21 January 2014 Read More »

On the twelfth day of Christmas, the cuts took away… health & safety

‘Sarah’ tell us her experiences: I have worked for the NHS for over 30 years and have been a union health and safety representative for almost as long. My role is to try to ensure that Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is a safe and secure place for everyone who works and receives

On the twelfth day of Christmas, the cuts took away… health & safety Read More »

On the ninth day of Christmas, the cuts took away… decent food

‘Maggie’ writes: “What a great start to the New Year! Cost cutting will, without fanfare, remove freshly-cooked food from the wards and take away the opportunity for patients, staff and relatives to buy a hot meal at Hellesdon Hospital in Norwich by shutting the canteen this month. It is being ‘replaced’ by ‘airline meals’ and

On the ninth day of Christmas, the cuts took away… decent food Read More »

On the eighth day of Christmas, the cuts took away… Early Intervention (EI) in psychosis services

Here ‘Mary’ and ‘Jo’ tell their story of the ‘radical redesign’: “We have worked in Early Intervention (EI) in psychosis for nearly twenty years between us. EI is our passion, it has a strong evidence base and it is the service that all have a right to, regardless of where they live. Early Intervention in

On the eighth day of Christmas, the cuts took away… Early Intervention (EI) in psychosis services Read More »

On the seventh day of Christmas, the cuts took away… patients’ beds while they were in them

This is the appalling situation ‘Florence’ and her colleagues feel should be urgently exposed to public scrutiny: “As I finished my shift this week, our team was tearing its hair out trying to sort an awful situation.  We had a call from the parent of a young person, currently an inpatient but home on leave.

On the seventh day of Christmas, the cuts took away… patients’ beds while they were in them Read More »

On the sixth day of Christmas, NSFT took away… dignity in old age

Here’s the story ‘Harold’ wanted us to tell: “Our Trust has already closed dementia and complexity in later life beds.  The idea appears sound: dementia intensive support teams will support people in their homes. Now that is all well and good for those who can be supported at home but sometimes it just isn’t possible

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On the fifth day of Christmas, the cuts took away… access to the only available treatment

This is the story ‘Sally’ wanted us to tell: There has been a lot of press coverage about the lack of beds, but this usually refers to beds needed in a crisis or following a Mental Health Act assessment. My colleagues and I in community teams have been dealing with another, almost hidden, consequence of

On the fifth day of Christmas, the cuts took away… access to the only available treatment Read More »

EDP: GPs refuse to increase funding despite mental health crisis

The EDP claims that the CCGs have decided to refuse any ‘significant’ increase in funding for mental health services despite the crisis and increasing demand. Read the usual excuses by clicking the image below. Or discover the human cost of inadequate mental health services in our 12 Cuts of Christmas campaign. Why not ask your GP

EDP: GPs refuse to increase funding despite mental health crisis Read More »

BBC Radio Suffolk: 12 Cuts of Christmas campaign is lead news story

We’ve spoken to the Trust, to clinical commissioning groups, to Norman Lamb. They all blame each other and say the situation isn’t their responsibility… meanwhile people who use our services and staff are caught in the middle and bearing the brunt Listen on the hour on BBC Suffolk. Read about stories from our 12 Cuts

BBC Radio Suffolk: 12 Cuts of Christmas campaign is lead news story Read More »

EADT: Suffolk: Mental health boss rejects crisis claims (again)

NSFT director Graham Creelman said ‘this is a developing national crisis in mental health’ at the NSFT Board meeting in Bury St Edmunds lobbied by this campaign this month. Now, Gary Page again claims this isn’t a crisis but ‘unforeseen problems.’ However. front-line staff have been warning about these ‘unforeseen problems’ for more than a

EADT: Suffolk: Mental health boss rejects crisis claims (again) Read More »

On the second day of Christmas, NSFT took away… all my support

Here is the story ‘T’ wanted to tell, ‘Discharged without my involvement’: I’d been doing really well, and felt on a level for some time. The paranoia and voices never really went away, but with help of my Community Psychiatric Nurse (CPN) I’d got back on my feet. After hospital I stayed in a hostel,

On the second day of Christmas, NSFT took away… all my support Read More »

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