Survey: How easy is it to see a community consultant psychiatrist at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust?

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Survey: How easy is it to see a community consultant psychiatrist at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust? Read More »

EADT: Damning report finds Suffolk failing some children with special education needs leaving families ‘frustrated and confused’

Andrew Hirst of the East Anglian Daily Times reports: Families have had to “fight every step of the way” to get help for the children with the greatest needs in Suffolk. Waiting times for mental health services are said to have started to reduce demonstrating “necessary progress in an area that still requires significant further

EADT: Damning report finds Suffolk failing some children with special education needs leaving families ‘frustrated and confused’ Read More »

CAMHS Crisis: in accordance with the Children Act 2004 (Joint Area Reviews) Regulations 2015, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills (HMCI) has determined that a written statement of action is required because of significant weaknesses

Many mental health services for children and young people (CAMHS) and for people with learning disabilities in Suffolk are provided by Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT). NSFT is the dominant provider of mental health services in Suffolk. NSFT has repeatedly claimed all is well in Suffolk and that the only problems are in

CAMHS Crisis: in accordance with the Children Act 2004 (Joint Area Reviews) Regulations 2015, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills (HMCI) has determined that a written statement of action is required because of significant weaknesses Read More »

EDP: Mother of Norwich patient says son with schizophrenia could have been saved and blasts mental health services

Tom Bristow of the Eastern Daily Press reports: The last time Sheila Preston saw her son alive was Christmas 2014. Almost two years later, two police officers knocked on her door at 1.30am at her home in Mendham on the Norfolk-Suffolk border. They had come to tell her Leo had been found dead in his

EDP: Mother of Norwich patient says son with schizophrenia could have been saved and blasts mental health services Read More »

EDP: Unexpected deaths rise coincides with bed closures at region’s mental health trust, Panorama finds

Nicholas Carding of the Eastern Daily Press reports: A sharp rise in the number of mental health patients dying unexpectedly coincided with the responsible organisation cutting nearly a quarter of its inpatient beds. Special investigations programme BBC Panorama, broadcast this evening, said the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) cut 136 psychiatric beds from

EDP: Unexpected deaths rise coincides with bed closures at region’s mental health trust, Panorama finds Read More »

Video: BBC iPlayer: Panorama: Revealed: Britain’s Mental Health Crisis

One month after prime minister Theresa May promised to ‘transform the way we deal with mental health problems right across society’, reporter Sophie Hutchinson investigates the troubled state of NHS mental health services. She hears the concerns of staff and patients at the first mental health trust in England to be placed in special measures,

Video: BBC iPlayer: Panorama: Revealed: Britain’s Mental Health Crisis Read More »

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 6: Norman Lamb, North Norfolk MP and Minister of State at the Department of Health responsible for mental health

Norman Lamb, the Liberal Democrat MP for North Norfolk, was directly responsible for mental health as the Coalition’s Minister of State at the Department of Health from September 2012 until the general election in May 2015 when the number of Liberal Democrat MPs was reduced from 57 to eight. After the general election, Norman Lamb failed in his

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 6: Norman Lamb, North Norfolk MP and Minister of State at the Department of Health responsible for mental health Read More »

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 5: Kathy Chapman, Operations Director, NSFT

Kathy Chapman was the Director of Operations of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) and the self-proclaimed architect of the Trust Service Strategy (TSS), otherwise known as the ‘radical redesign’, until her ‘promotion‘ in July 2014. The ‘radical redesign’ was condemned by the King’s Fund in the Health Service Journal (HSJ) and is widely regarded

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 5: Kathy Chapman, Operations Director, NSFT Read More »

EDP: Unexpected deaths could reach new heights in mental health care

Nicholas Carding of the Eastern Daily Press reports: The tragic saga of patients dying unexpectedly at the region’s mental health trust continues after it emerged the number of deaths could reach new heights this year. Plumb new depths, more like. Latest statistics from Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) show 140 patients suffered “unexpected

EDP: Unexpected deaths could reach new heights in mental health care Read More »

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 4: Andrew Hopkins, Finance Director then acting Chief Executive then Finance Director, NSFT

During the radical redesign, Andrew Hopkins was Finance Director of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), becoming acting Chief Executive after the resignation of Aidan Thomas in July 2013. While Andrew Hopkins ‘acted-up’, NSFT employed astonishingly expensive interim finance directors. NSFT wasted unbelievable sums, millions of pounds, on redundancy and early retirement payments in the midst

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 4: Andrew Hopkins, Finance Director then acting Chief Executive then Finance Director, NSFT Read More »

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 3: Maggie Wheeler, Chair, NSFT

Because of her then status in the Norwich Labour Party, and the frequent use of politically-correct buzzwords like ‘recovery’ and ‘ImROC’, many people trusted Maggie Wheeler and her Board when it promised ‘new services will be as effective as they are now, if not better’ as a result of the Trust Service Strategy (TSS) at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), better

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 3: Maggie Wheeler, Chair, NSFT Read More »

EDP: Bed shortage means dozens of mental health patients are still being sent miles from Norfolk and Suffolk for treatment – three years after pledge

Nicholas Carding of the Eastern Daily Press reports: The region’s mental health trust is set to spend nearly £3m more than budgeted on treating patients at other facilities this year, this newspaper can reveal. In April just 26 days were spent by NSFT patients at hospitals outside Norfolk and Suffolk, but by the end of

EDP: Bed shortage means dozens of mental health patients are still being sent miles from Norfolk and Suffolk for treatment – three years after pledge Read More »

Eventbrite: Revealed: Britain’s Mental Health Crisis on 6th February 2017 at 8.30 p.m.

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Eventbrite: Revealed: Britain’s Mental Health Crisis on 6th February 2017 at 8.30 p.m. Read More »

BBC Panorama: Revealed: Britain’s Mental Health Crisis: Monday 6th February 2017 at 8.30 p.m. on BBC One

According to the BBC Panorama website: One month after prime minister Theresa May promised to ‘transform the way we deal with mental health problems right across society’, reporter Sophie Hutchinson investigates the troubled state of NHS mental health services. She hears the concerns of staff and patients at the first mental health trust in England

BBC Panorama: Revealed: Britain’s Mental Health Crisis: Monday 6th February 2017 at 8.30 p.m. on BBC One Read More »

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 2: Aidan Thomas, Chief Executive, NSFT

Aidan ‘I’m No Dirty Den’ Thomas was the Chief Executive of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) during the Trust Service Strategy (TSS) consultation process, better known as the ‘radical redesign’. The ‘radical redesign’ was condemned by the King’s Fund in the Health Service Journal (HSJ) and is widely regarded as an unmitigated disaster which resulted in

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 2: Aidan Thomas, Chief Executive, NSFT Read More »

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 1: Hadrian Ball, Medical Director, NSFT

Hadrian Ball was the Medical Director and highest-paid member of the Board of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) throughout the Trust Service Strategy (TSS), better known as the ‘radical redesign’. The ‘radical redesign’ was condemned by the King’s Fund in the Health Service Journal (HSJ) and is widely regarded as an unmitigated disaster which

Radical Redesign Heroes: Where are the TSSers now? Part 1: Hadrian Ball, Medical Director, NSFT Read More »

EDP: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust loses cash and UEA medical students amid training concerns

Tom Bristow of the Eastern Daily Press reports: The region’s mental health trust has been stripped of some medical students and funding amid concerns about the quality of its training. The Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT) was being paid by Health Education England (HEE) to train 47 medical students from the University of East

EDP: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust loses cash and UEA medical students amid training concerns Read More »

Deaths Crisis: HSE: Hospital fined after safety failings led to dementia patient’s death

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust has been fined £366,000 after the death of a patient on a specialist dementia ward. Norwich Crown Court heard how Mrs Joan Darnell, age 78, had been admitted as a patient to the Julian Hospital, on 28 September 2014 on the Blicking Ward, a specialist ward for patients suffering

Deaths Crisis: HSE: Hospital fined after safety failings led to dementia patient’s death Read More »

EDP: Norfolk and Suffolk NHS trust fined £366k after 78-year-old patient drowned in hospital bath

Christine Cunningham of the Eastern Daily Press reports: A Norfolk and Suffolk NHS trust has been fined £366,000 for health and safety failings after a 78-year-old patient was found drowned in a bath on a hospital ward. Joan Darnell, who had dementia and bipolar disorder, had been taken from her home in Field Grange, Lowestoft,

EDP: Norfolk and Suffolk NHS trust fined £366k after 78-year-old patient drowned in hospital bath Read More »

EDP: Patients rate Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust as one of worst in country

Tom Bristow of the Eastern Daily Press reports: The region’s mental health service has been named as one of the worst performing in the country in a survey of patients. Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust, which was brought out of “special measures” in October, was rated particularly badly for supporting people with mental health difficulties

EDP: Patients rate Norfolk and Suffolk mental health trust as one of worst in country Read More »

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