Survey: How easy is it to see a community consultant psychiatrist at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust?

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306 thoughts on “Survey: How easy is it to see a community consultant psychiatrist at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust?”

  1. Took me three years, needed diagnoisis in order to work again. my Gp once tried to get medication advice , no one ever replied, so I had to come off the medication.

  2. It took me over a year.By the time I had the appointment my symptoms had subsided, so I was discharged. A few months later I was experiencing severe symptoms again. Another year to see psychiatrist. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Only the suicidal and homicidal seem to get any attention. But there are so many people who are experiencing moderate and severe symptoms that could be helped long before things escalate to this state. It makes me really angry.

  3. I had to wait 8 months to see a psychiatrist for a medication review! I ended up making a formal complaint and then a week later I get sent an appointment – coincidence?! I get that they’ve been rearranging teams but that shouldn’t affect service users to a degree that they’ve been unsafe… Plus 8 months is ridiculous, even by nsft standards!!!

  4. it took me 10 years to be referred to any mental health help outside of my g.p. and over 20 years to see a psychiatrist and then another year before i was diagnosed with Aspergers, bipolar and ADHD. i was constantly attempting suicide and self harming, all sorts, even having been admitted to hospital from A&E during this time but it was never determined that i needed to see anyone. i have so much pent up anger over this that i dont think i will ever go away.

  5. After a period in hospital and being placed with a community team, I am still awaiting an urgent appointment with a Psychiatrist for approx 3 months – appalling service, constantly having to ring up and chase with no avail. Will probably have to go private soon, if nothing more happens, sad state of affairs.


  6. After two years badgering by my GP, I was finally offered a psychiatric assessment with NSFT. After an hour spent chatting to a very nice, though ineffectual, mental health clinician I asked what the next steps were.

    ‘What do you suggest?’ Was his response. Aparaently as I’m not female, a drug addict, victim of sexual abuse or an alcoholic, I don’t fit into any of the trusts priorities.

    i asked for a referral and grudgingly it was agreed my notes would be passed to a psychiatric doctor.

    Four weeks later, a 100 word letter from their doctor suggesting I try a change of medication. No consultation, no reading of my gp notes, otherwise they wouldn’t have prescribed medication I’m currently making. When chasing by phone for a face to face consultation I’m told I have been discharged back to my gp.

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