BBC News: King’s Fund – ‘Shunted around the country’ – the coalition government has actually overseen a decline in spending on mental health

Hugh Pym of the BBC writes: ‘Shunted around the country’ The King’s Fund think tank says that the coalition government has actually overseen a decline in spending on mental health. Its analysis suggests inflation-adjusted spending has decreased from £11.5bn in the 2010/11 financial year to £11.3 bn two years later which, given the increase in […]

BBC News: King’s Fund – ‘Shunted around the country’ – the coalition government has actually overseen a decline in spending on mental health Read More »

Audio: Campaigner Emma Corlett of Unison interviewed on BBC Radio Norfolk about massive cuts envisaged by NSFT’s 5 Year Strategic Plan

We have already written about the massive cuts envisaged by the 5 Year Plan submitted by Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) to its regulator, Monitor. At the NSFT Board meeting last week, one of the non-executive directors of NSFT acknowledged that the real-terms depth of the planned cuts is 7.5 per cent per

Audio: Campaigner Emma Corlett of Unison interviewed on BBC Radio Norfolk about massive cuts envisaged by NSFT’s 5 Year Strategic Plan Read More »

BBC: Mental health services ‘a car crash’

Sue Bailey speaks the truth: Mental health services in England are “a car crash” and the health secretary is not taking the problems seriously, according to the outgoing president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Prof Sue Bailey told BBC News mental health services were “in crisis”. Click on the image below to read more:

BBC: Mental health services ‘a car crash’ Read More »

BBC: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health patients in 200-mile bed trek

“Some mental health patients in Suffolk and Norfolk are having to travel more than 200 miles (321km) for a bed, it has emerged. Health secretary Jeremy Hunt said the situation was “unacceptable”. Unison urged the government to develop a “rescue package” for mental health services, which they said left 22 patients facing the journey last

BBC: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health patients in 200-mile bed trek Read More »

Video: Crisis at NSFT is main story on BBC One Sunday Politics East

In depth interviews with Emma Corlett, Denise Day and Norman Lamb regarding the on-going mental health crisis at Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) presented by Etholle George. Yet again, NSFT fails to put anybody forward to discuss the beds and community crises and Norman Lamb blames everybody else and claims to be powerless

Video: Crisis at NSFT is main story on BBC One Sunday Politics East Read More »

Audio: BBC Suffolk interview & opinion poll as NSFT Chair Mr Page denies both 30th April out of area deadline and bed closures in Suffolk

Listen to Mr Page, the chair of Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), claim that no beds have been or will be closed in Suffolk – until a local listener contacts BBC Suffolk to say that NSFT has closed beds at Carlton Court in Suffolk and is involved in a consultation with HealthEast over further

Audio: BBC Suffolk interview & opinion poll as NSFT Chair Mr Page denies both 30th April out of area deadline and bed closures in Suffolk Read More »

Audio: Emma Corlett interviewed on BBC Radio Suffolk Breakfast Show about proposed cuts to mental health services

Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) has tried to intimidate us into silence and failed. Instead, NSFT has silenced itself, unable to find any member of the executive team willing to defend the indefensible on the BBC. Whatever happened to public accountability? How much is Fay Quayle, the interim Head of Communications, being paid

Audio: Emma Corlett interviewed on BBC Radio Suffolk Breakfast Show about proposed cuts to mental health services Read More »

Downfall 2: The Trust (NSFT) Strikes Back

Watch the video below. If you are an Apple user and have trouble viewing the embedded video you can view it directly on Youtube. Sorry, this issue is a sometime side effect of the on-going war between Google and Apple which is beyond our control. If you don’t understand why this Downfall parody is satirical humour read this.

Downfall 2: The Trust (NSFT) Strikes Back Read More »

BBC Radio 4 Today: Michael Buchanan reports on the beds crisis and Norman Lamb blames everyone except himself

We’re proud to have helped Michael Buchanan of the BBC and Andy McNicoll of Community Care in their excellent work exposing the scandalous bed crisis on the national stage. Even this year at the HealthEast consultations, the Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) Operations Director continued to push for approval of the bed closures

BBC Radio 4 Today: Michael Buchanan reports on the beds crisis and Norman Lamb blames everyone except himself Read More »

BBC: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health patients sent away for treatment

Terry Skyrme, from the trust’s crisis team, said cutting staff and closing beds could put patients at risk. He said the trust had nearly 300 unallocated cases and keeping up with demand with fewer staff creates pressures. Mr Skyrme said: “Norwich patients are being sent for treatment to King’s Lynn or Great Yarmouth. “Others are

BBC: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health patients sent away for treatment Read More »

BBC Radio Norfolk: Campaigner Terry Skyrme tells the truth as Jonathon Fagge of Norwich CCG and Kathy Chapman of NSFT admit they have failed to eliminate out-of-area beds and have broken their promises

Remember this? Four months ago, Mark Taylor, chief executive of North Norfolk CCG, on behalf of all the central Norfolk CCGs, promised: “Although the numbers are small, we want it to end by April. As commissioners we do not want people to go out of area and we want to stop that as soon as

BBC Radio Norfolk: Campaigner Terry Skyrme tells the truth as Jonathon Fagge of Norwich CCG and Kathy Chapman of NSFT admit they have failed to eliminate out-of-area beds and have broken their promises Read More »

BBC Radio Norfolk: NSFT misleadingly claims that campaign will not meet Mr. Page

  Here’s the relevant part of our email from which Mr Page quoted, including the parts Mr Page chose not to read out in italics: 2. Informal meeting with yourself and Graham Creelman You recently met with Jxxx and Sxxxxx is having lunch with Graham Creelman today. We have every confidence in their ability to

BBC Radio Norfolk: NSFT misleadingly claims that campaign will not meet Mr. Page Read More »

BBC Radio Norfolk: NSFT crisis in mental health services dominates morning schedule

  Click the images below to listen on iPlayer to the two morning shows featuring the crisis in mental health services at Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT):    

BBC Radio Norfolk: NSFT crisis in mental health services dominates morning schedule Read More »

28th Day of Lent: Going without basic numeracy skills

Abraham writes: “We all know that spending £7.3 million on redundancies when there are 361 vacancies at Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is an outrageous scandal which threatens the safe delivery of services to the vulnerable, as well as an extraordinary waste of money. Sometimes, it is whispered that the purpose of the

28th Day of Lent: Going without basic numeracy skills Read More »

Audio: BBC Radio 4 World at One on the Mental Health Crisis at Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT)   Isn’t it incredible that NHS England couldn’t find anybody to talk on national radio about the crisis in mental health?

Audio: BBC Radio 4 World at One on the Mental Health Crisis at Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) Read More »

BBC: Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Trust spends £1.2m at consultant’s hospital

Jon Welch of the BBC reports: “A mental health trust planning to close beds has spent more than £1m sending patients to a private hospital linked to one of its senior consultants. Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust spent almost £1.2m in 2013 with Milestones at Salhouse, near Norwich. Milestones’ medical director Dr Julian Beezhold

BBC: Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Trust spends £1.2m at consultant’s hospital Read More »

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