David Hannant once again reports on the lack of communication from Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust, after suggestions that the man involved in this local family tragedy not only faced mental health issues but was potentially in contact with mental health services.
The Norfolk Constabulary has already reported themselves to the police watchdog after failing to come out to the gentleman’s 999 call on the same day as the incident. But as more of the circumstances are being discovered, it is known that after being a missing person, the police took him to the Norwich and Norfolk hospital for a mental health assessment that he absconded from. People within the local suburb in Costessey also imply they knew about his mental health struggles. If the police can be quick to act on and communicate their possible mistakes, where are the responses from the other services who may have been involved?
You can read David’s full article here: https://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/24068445.calls-transparency-costessey-deaths-tragedy/
“Norfolk’s mental health trust is under growing pressure to provide details over any dealings it might have had with a man found dead alongside three members of his family at a house in Costessey. It is understood that 45-year-old Mr Kuczynski had longstanding issues with mental ill health leading up to the tragedy and that attempts had been made to reach out for support in the months leading up to his death. To date, the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), which runs the region’s mental health service, has provided no comment on whether Mr Kuczynski was known to its staff.
A spokesman said the trust was unable to give any comment on the tragedy due to ongoing police investigations. But campaigners who have been raising concerns about standards of care at the trust for several years have said it should do more to clarify what treatment, if anything, Mr Kuczynski had received. It comes at a time when demand for mental health services in the region continues to be a significant challenge, with growing waiting lists for treatment.
According to the trust’s latest board papers, 5,175 people in Norfolk and Waveney have been waiting longer than 18 weeks for its services. Neighbours of Mr Kuczynski have reported that his struggles with mental ill health were well-known in the close-knit suburban community. On December 14, around a month before the tragedy, the Polish-born structural engineer was reported as missing, prompting a police search. It is understood that when this search concluded, in Fairway, near his Queen’s Hills home, police escorted Mr Kyczynski to A&E at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital for a mental health assessment.
However, he is reported to have absconded from the hospital before being seen by medical professionals. It has also since emerged that he dialled 999 from his house at 6am on Friday, just over an hour before the bodies were found there, and expressed concerns for his mental state. He was told by call handlers to seek medical advice and police did not go to the address. It is not known if he attempted to seek medical help. Mark Harrison, chairman of the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk and Suffolk, said: “This is a truly shocking case.
“The important thing here is that NSFT, the police, adult social services and child safeguarding are open, honest and transparent about the circumstances and allow the public to know exactly what happened.” Clive Lewis, Labour MP for Norwich South echoed his calls. “I do not know what involvement NSFT had with this family before they all lost their lives but I’m pretty sure we won’t get to the bottom of it until the trust comes out and tells us,” he added.”
Source- David Hannant, 24/01/24 Norwich Evening News