EDP: Norfolk and Suffolk mental health boss under fire over ‘unexpected deaths’

Tom Bristow of the Eastern Daily Press reports: Chief executive of the Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT) Michael Scott was quizzed yesterday by Norfolk County councillors about why so many of the trust’s patients have died unexpectedly. But his answers failed to impress campaigners who accused him of failing to explain the deaths. Almost […]

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EDP: Letter: Reasons for rise in unexpected deaths need to be established

In an excellent letter to the Eastern Daily Press, Brian Watkins, Liberal Democrat county councillor for the Eaton Division of Norfolk County Council writes: It is deeply disturbing to learn that there has been a big increase in the number of patients under the care of the Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust who have died unexpectedly. Despite repeated reassurances that the situation would be

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EDP: Graphic – The large rise in the number of patients dying unexpectedly at the NSFT

In 2012-13, 7.3 patients of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) died unexpectedly each month. Each and every year since, the number of patients of NSFT dying unexpectedly has increased significantly. Our campaign was founded in 2013 by staff concerned about unnecessary deaths as a result of the cuts and chaos of the radical

EDP: Graphic – The large rise in the number of patients dying unexpectedly at the NSFT Read More »

Guardian: NHS child mental health services are failing the next generation, say GPs

Denis Campbell of the Guardian reports: Pulse’s figures, obtained under freedom of information legislation from 15 mental health trusts, showed that 61% of children and young people referred for help from CAMHS in 2015 received no treatment. A third were not even assessed for it. Only 20% of under-18s referred to Norfolk and Suffolk NHS

Guardian: NHS child mental health services are failing the next generation, say GPs Read More »

Pulse: Why do 60% of GP child mental health referrals end with no treatment?

Caroline Price of Pulse reports: A whole generation of children is being failed by mental health services, say GPs who struggle to access specialist help for their patients. Seven out of the 15 trusts showed marked reductions. For example, at Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust the proportion treated fell from 42% to 26%,

Pulse: Why do 60% of GP child mental health referrals end with no treatment? Read More »

EDP: Mental health trust struggling to fill nursing shifts on region’s inpatient wards

Nicholas Carding of the Eastern Daily Press reports: Staffing levels at mental health wards are under the spotlight today after figures revealed a reduction of permanently employed nurses filling shifts. Figures show the trust’s fill-rate of nurses employed by NSFT is fluctuating between 80pc-90pc, meaning managers have to use extra funds to bring in temporary

EDP: Mental health trust struggling to fill nursing shifts on region’s inpatient wards Read More »

BBC News: ‘Significant increase’ in mental health patients being sent out of area

Nic Rigby of the BBC reports: There has been a “significant increase” in the number of Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust mental health patients sent out of its area in May, a report to its board has found. Click on the image below to read the article in full on the BBC website:

BBC News: ‘Significant increase’ in mental health patients being sent out of area Read More »

An NSFT Mother and Carer responds to the tragic death of Henry Curtis-Williams

A mother and carer responds to the tragic death of Henry Curtis-Williams: “Again another young person has died when he should have been protected from the dangers of mental illness. Assessed by a psychiatrist as needing no clinical care and released the next day without medication, Henry Curtis-Williams died and his mother and father have been

An NSFT Mother and Carer responds to the tragic death of Henry Curtis-Williams Read More »

Daily Mail: Parents whose fashion student son, 21, died five days after being released from a mental health unit say police failed to tell them when they found him ‘staring over the side of a bridge’

Keiligh Baker of the Daily Mail reports: The parents of a student who took his own life just five days after being released from a psychiatric unit are ‘distraught’ that police and health staff failed to alert them to his mental state. Henry Curtis-Williams was detained by police under the Mental Health Act after he was

Daily Mail: Parents whose fashion student son, 21, died five days after being released from a mental health unit say police failed to tell them when they found him ‘staring over the side of a bridge’ Read More »

Fiscal Fantasy Island: NSFT spends over half its Out Of Trust Acute (OOA) Beds budget in first two months of the year

The number of out of trust acute (OOA) bed days has nearly doubled: from 332 days in April 2016 to 647 days in May 2016. Most of these patients are being sent to the expensive, remote and private Mundesley Hospital, where it seems that none of the medical staff have passed the exams of the Royal

Fiscal Fantasy Island: NSFT spends over half its Out Of Trust Acute (OOA) Beds budget in first two months of the year Read More »

RSA Norwich: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions

Terry Skyrme reflects on the recent RSA mental health event in Norwich: “Campaign supporters held a protest outside an event organized by the RSA at St Michael’s church in Norwich. Speakers at the event represented the “Third sector” and other mainstream services such as Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), the main provider of

RSA Norwich: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions Read More »

NSFT – A Warning from History: Unexpected deaths: 2013 vs 2016: Has anything changed?

Compare what Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) claimed in 2013 with what NSFT claims in 2016. What has changed except that NSFT suffered 45 unexpected deaths in the first three months of 2016 compared with 22 per quarter in 2012-13? While the number of deaths has doubled, the excuses remain the same. Most

NSFT – A Warning from History: Unexpected deaths: 2013 vs 2016: Has anything changed? Read More »

Help: Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspecting NSFT in July 2016

CQC, the independent regulator of health, mental health and adult social care in England will be inspecting Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust the week beginning the 11th July.  They would like to hear feedback about mental health services before the inspection. There are a number of ways people can feedback their views (CQC are

Help: Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspecting NSFT in July 2016 Read More »

Gallery: March for Mental Health, York

Today, members of the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk and Suffolk joined local people from York to protest against the closure of Bootham Park Hospital with only five days notice. Imagine the chaos if Hellesdon Hospital was closed in less than a week. Local campaigners in York believe that Jeremy Hunt’s plan

Gallery: March for Mental Health, York Read More »

Yet another death: Enough is enough

Today, another young women has died after Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) ignored her family’s desperate pleas for help. Yet another ‘unexpected death‘ to add to the statistics. Yet another inquest. For how much longer can the NHS be allowed to let down families in East Anglia in their hours of greatest need?

Yet another death: Enough is enough Read More »

Audio: BBC Radio Norfolk: Matthew Gudgin interviews campaigner, Norman Lamb and Michael Scott about the shocking increase in unexpected deaths at NSFT

Matthew Gudgin of the BBC interviews a spokesperson for our campaign, former mental health minister Norman Lamb and the Chief Executive of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), Michael Scott. It is brilliant that both the BBC and the EDP are giving mental health the attention it deserves. Now NHS England, local health commissioners

Audio: BBC Radio Norfolk: Matthew Gudgin interviews campaigner, Norman Lamb and Michael Scott about the shocking increase in unexpected deaths at NSFT Read More »

EADT: Campaigner seeks answers after his mentally ill brother died alone in filthy Ipswich flat

Andrew Hirst of the East Anglian Daily Times reports: More than a year after Steve Martin learned his mentally ill brother had died alone and amid filth and squalor, his quest for answers goes on. “A really good bloke, who’d do anything for a mate.” That’s how Steve Martin would like to remember his older

EADT: Campaigner seeks answers after his mentally ill brother died alone in filthy Ipswich flat Read More »

Health Service Journal: The worrying truth about mental health services: The King’s Fund on NSFT’s failure

Helen Gilburt, a fellow in health policy at The King’s Fund, writes: The example of Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust provides a stark reminder of the risks associated with undertaking whole-system transformation at scale and pace. To pre-empt increased financial risk and deliver efficiency savings, the trust engaged in delivering a vision of implementing recovery-orientated

Health Service Journal: The worrying truth about mental health services: The King’s Fund on NSFT’s failure Read More »

2nd Anniversary Public Meeting Poster to distribute or display

You can download the poster for our 2nd Anniversary Public Meeting as a pdf to distribute or display by clicking on the image below. Please spread the word.

2nd Anniversary Public Meeting Poster to distribute or display Read More »

Fantasy Island: The CQC Video Files: ‘Well-led’

What’s the best thing to come out of service strategy? A majority of respondents replied ‘nothing’ when asked their views on the best thing to come out of Service Strategy. One reflected sadly, ‘finding positives is difficult. I rely on finding positives for my clients’. Alexander Report This ‘corporate video’ was made in preparation for

Fantasy Island: The CQC Video Files: ‘Well-led’ Read More »

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