Gallery: Demonstration against Norman Lamb’s ‘cashless concordat’

A spokesman for the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk & Suffolk said:

“Today, members of the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk & Suffolk tried to engage Norman Lamb about the crises in mental health provision. Rather than talk to campaigners, he simply put his head down sheepishly and sought sanctuary in Delia’s restaurant. So much for genuine engagement with service users, constituents and frontline staff”

“Words are cheap. It isn’t concordats that vulnerable people in crisis need – it is properly-funded mental health services. Protocols already exist. The problem is not lack of agreements or co-operation. The problem is lack of community resources and beds. While Norman Lamb and Gary Page feast on Delia’s finest cuisine, the people of Norfolk and Suffolk are finding Lamb’s hypocrisy and lack of action hard to swallow. People are being put at risk.”

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