The average salary of staff at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) fell by £4,796 (18%) in just three years from £26,557 to £21,761 between 2011 and 2014.
Mental health services were trashed as part of the failed ‘radical redesign’ which resulted in NSFT being rated inadequate by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Monitor placing NSFT into Special Measures.
People in crisis were transported all over the country on the Dickensian Map of Shame.
The architect of the ‘radical redesign’ of NSFT was promoted.
Inflation increased the cost of living by 8.4%.
Travel allowances were slashed leaving some staff without enough money to put fuel in their cars to get to work.
Staff were downbanded on the basis of twenty-minute interviews and were forced to compete with long term colleagues. One staff member was downbanded whilst a patient in the Critical Care Complex of the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital.
Staff morale collapsed as £17 million was wasted on redundancy and early retirement payments to staff who were desperately needed to deliver a safe service.
Yet the Board of NSFT thought it was appropriate to increase the salary of the Chief Executive by a quarter.
Aidan ‘I’m no Dirty Den‘ Thomas was paid £140,600 per year as Chief Executive of NSFT.
Michael Scott is paid £175,000 per year as Chief Executive of NSFT, an increase of 24.5%.
It wasn’t enough for Michael Scott to be paid more than the Secretary of State for Health. Michael Scott needed to be paid more than the Prime Minister. Michael Scott is paid £40,435 more than Jeremy Hunt and £32,500 more than David Cameron.
The increase of £34,400 in the Chief Executive’s annual salary is more than 1.5 times the entire average annual salary of an NSFT employee.
Michael Scott was paid between £135,000 and £140,000 per year as Chief Executive of Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust (NCH&C)
Michael’s Scott’s NHS pay rose by between 25% and 29.6% when he moved from NCH&C to NSFT.
Michael Scott also received £8,000 towards his relocation costs even though he moved from one NHS Chief Executive job in Norwich to another NHS Chief Executive job in Norwich.
NSFT spent £27,417.06 on adverts, headhunters, etc. recruiting Michael Scott even though he was already Chief Executive of a Norfolk NHS Trust.
We should have known what would happen, given that Michael Scott has also previously been outed as an NHS Fatcat by the Sunday Telegraph and that the NSFT Chair previously worked as an investment banker in the home of greed and self-entitlement, the City of London.
Michael Scott wrote on our website that Executive Directors have not had pay rises for three years.
Except for him, of course.
So much for we’re all in it together as the graph below shows: