1st Day of Lent: Going without a face-to-face consultation with a psychiatrist for a whole year but being prescribed high potency mood-stabilisers anyway.

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Rachel writes:

“Meeting face-to-face with your psychiatrist is not for a chat. A consultation is imperative if the patient is to fully understand the nature of any medications they are prescribed and the possible and potentially very dangerous side-effects. The psychiatrist also has an opportunity to further know their patient and assess if the prescription is currently suitable.

I am a reasonably well-informed patient, but even I will not be taking these medications. I have been prescribed these medications based on 10-month-old information about me. All I was given was a letter with a confusing dosage regimen on it.

I’m losing trust in practitioners to take informed and proper care of me, which means I am less likely to engage further in ‘the system’. I can’t trust the decision; in absentia healthcare is simply dangerous.”

Whether you use mental health services, are a carer or member of the staff, let us know your stories: we’re stronger together.

287 thoughts on “1st Day of Lent: Going without a face-to-face consultation with a psychiatrist for a whole year but being prescribed high potency mood-stabilisers anyway.”

  1. I have had a horrible time trying to get appropriate care from NSFT.
    After two years i still have no care plan, my risk assessment is incomplete, i have been discharged twice in error and i have actually been refused care/treatment in writing via a shambolic assessment.
    NSFT have admitted their faults and apologised to me but i still don’t trust them to help me.

  2. Dear NSFT service user,

    I/we hear you. In the increasing shambles, I hope that, like me, you get some support & comfort from the campaign group – joining in at which ever level you are able to.
    It’s not a substitute for the care we should be receiving, but for me it feels a safer place to be right now.
    It can feel like a terribly lonely place, but we are not alone.

    Cling tightly & take care.

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