BBC News: Increased use puts pressure on Norfolk and Waveney mental health trust

Nic Rigby of the BBC reports:

A 38% increase in mental health patients referred to an NHS Trust has hit waiting times, a report has found.

The increase in the Norfolk and Waveney area in the December 2014 to February 2015 period – compared with April to June 2014 – resulted in higher staff caseload levels, the report said.

There has also been an increase in the number of cases not allocated a social worker at the trust.

Between November and January the number of these cases rose from 662 to 960.

The report by the Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT), which provides mental health care, highlights the fact that while mainstream hospitals in the two counties have seen budgets rise by 15% since 2010, mental health service funding has fallen by 3%.

The legacy of Norman ‘mental health champion’ Lamb.

Read the full story on the BBC News website by clicking on the image below:

BBC News Increased use puts pressure on Norfolk and Waveney mental health trust

6 thoughts on “BBC News: Increased use puts pressure on Norfolk and Waveney mental health trust”

  1. Just a slight correction; I think it is 900 people without an allocated mental health professional i.e. a care coordinator or Lead Professional. Social Workers have been transferred from NSFT NHS back to Norfolk County Council. With all services under pressure we now face the prospect of patients falling between the net of social care and health, with arguments as to which service should be responsible or should take the lead. Another great acheivement of Norman Lamb’s government – the DISINTEGRATION of mental health services.

  2. I find it quite ironic that some three years ago, if I’d   proposed the need to transport a 95 year old psychotic person over 250 miles to the nearest UK bed, I would have been at least rightly criticised, and very possibly disciplined for very poor decision making……however three years on that situation and many other equally shameful situations are a REGULAR occurrence in NSFT, (and no doubt around the rest of the country).  Now…….. its an  ‘accepted’ consequence of Radical Redesign, or as I prefer to all them CUTS. The ‘muttering’, shaking of heads, denials, platitudes,  rhetoric,  sound bites, and empty promises continue by those who brief press…..but its now become a disgusting blight on what was once a very good service, of which I was once proud to be part of.   Now reduced to this. Where those who campaign for improved services are referred to as EXTREMISTS by a Minister of State…..I am ashamed  and angered for every service user, relative, and carer who has been badly let down…Use your votes wisely.

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