BBC: Norfolk County Council takes back social care from trust (NSFT)

Crisis: What crisis?

Norfolk County Council is to take responsibility for the service back from Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust from September.

A council meeting in November heard concerns over its poor performance.

A spokesman for the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk and Suffolk said: “It is very disappointing but sadly unsurprising that Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust appears to have lost the confidence of Norfolk County Council to deliver the council’s statutory social care obligations.

“The campaign seeks to ensure the delivery of high-quality, integrated mental healthcare and if this decisive action taken by Norfolk County Council helps improve quality, we welcome it.”

Jeff Keighley, regional organiser for the union Unison, said: “It’s a concern that such a big care contract has suddenly been taken back in-house.

“The trust has lost a lot of staff recently and is continuing with its radical restructuring plan that is obviously affecting care.”

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BBC Norfolk County Council takes back social care from NSFT

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