Invitation to our Anniversary Open Meeting on Thursday 27th November, 7.30-9.30 p.m. Vauxhall Centre, Norwich NR2 2SA

INVITATION TO OUR ANNIVERSARY OPEN MEETING ON THURSDAY 27TH NOVEMBER, 7.30-9.30 PM VAUXHALL CENTRE, NORWICH NR2 2SA Dear all, Our Campaign started a year ago this month when mental health services in Norfolk and Suffolk first reached crisis point. The ‘Nicholson Challenge’ imposed £20 billion cost savings on all NHS Trusts. As a result, Norfolk & […]

Invitation to our Anniversary Open Meeting on Thursday 27th November, 7.30-9.30 p.m. Vauxhall Centre, Norwich NR2 2SA Read More »

Lobby South Norfolk CCG: The Chart which shames Norman Lamb and the Seven CCGs (and the NSFT Board too)

The chart below details the changes in the funding provided to Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) and the local acute NHS Trusts by the seven Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in Norfolk and Suffolk. While Norman Lamb, North Norfolk MP and the Secretary of State at the Department of Health directly responsible for mental

Lobby South Norfolk CCG: The Chart which shames Norman Lamb and the Seven CCGs (and the NSFT Board too) Read More »

Ipswich Star: Students from University Campus Suffolk celebrate their successes at their graduation ceremonies

“Maggie Wheeler was also awarded an honorary degree for her work in mental health. She was chairman of what became Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust for a decade.” Many campaign supporters have contacted us to express their utter bewilderment at the decision of University Campus Suffolk to award Maggie Wheeler an honorary degree for

Ipswich Star: Students from University Campus Suffolk celebrate their successes at their graduation ceremonies Read More »

NSFT spent thousands of pounds on legal advice in a futile attempt to silence our campaign

We’ve just received an FOI response from Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT). While claiming in public how much it wanted to work with our campaign, NSFT spent a staggering £2,810.87 of NHS funds with its corporate solicitors, Bevan Brittan, to explore legal action against its own service users, carers, staff and public in

NSFT spent thousands of pounds on legal advice in a futile attempt to silence our campaign Read More »

25th September 2014: Cardboard City Protest at HealthEast CCG meeting deciding the fate of Carlton Court

Great Yarmouth and Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group (HealthEast) is making its decision about Carlton Court on Thursday 25th September, 2014. The meeting starts at 1.30 p.m. but we’ll be holding a demonstration beforehand from 1 p.m – the theme is lack of beds, so bring along a big cardboard box and a sleeping bag for

25th September 2014: Cardboard City Protest at HealthEast CCG meeting deciding the fate of Carlton Court Read More »

BBC: Campaign hero Terry Skyrme interviewed about crisis and retirement

Nic Rigby reports: Terry Skyrme said when he joined the mental health service in Norfolk, the county had one of the best outreach teams (working with people with mental health) in the country. Mr Skyrme, 68, who has been a social worker since 1972, said he was once proud of the “fantastic” service provided by

BBC: Campaign hero Terry Skyrme interviewed about crisis and retirement Read More »

NSFT AGM 2014: Remuneration Report & (un)Fair Pay Disclosure in the NSFT Annual Report & Accounts 2013-14

Ever wondered why NSFT does so badly in the NHS Staff Survey? In 2011-12, the Fair Pay Ratio was 6.3, meaning the highest-paid director was earning 6.3 times the median salary. By 2013-14, the Fair Pay Ratio had risen to 8.0 which is 27% worse than three years before, while services and budgets have been

NSFT AGM 2014: Remuneration Report & (un)Fair Pay Disclosure in the NSFT Annual Report & Accounts 2013-14 Read More »

Friday 19th September 2014: Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) Annual General Meeting (AGM) is being held at Trinity Park, Felixstowe Road, Ipswich IP3 8UH between 1730 and 1830 with refreshments from 1700. The Campaign is not making a major effort to be present because questions are limited to ten minutes and the whole meeting lasts only one hour. However, it

Friday 19th September 2014: Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) Annual General Meeting (AGM) Read More »

Lowestoft Journal: Demonstrators gather outside Carlton Court to protest at mental health cuts

Kathryn Bradley of the Lowestoft Journal reports: The group was cheered on by visitors and staff entering the hospital grounds. During the event, Mr Skyrme said NSFT was also proposing to cut Section 136 suites at Carlton Court and throughout Norfolk and replace them with a single unit at Hellesdon. The suites are used to assess

Lowestoft Journal: Demonstrators gather outside Carlton Court to protest at mental health cuts Read More »

Gallery: Carlton Court demonstration Saturday 13th September 2014

Mental health services across Norfolk and Suffolk need more beds not fewer. The people of Waveney need a local hospital, section 136 suite and crisis team. Many of the people who use Carlton Court are not local but come from across Norfolk and Suffolk. We cannot allow the destruction of an integrated mental health care system and

Gallery: Carlton Court demonstration Saturday 13th September 2014 Read More »

BBC Radio Norfolk: Campaigners Emma Corlett and Terry Skyrme outline the crisis at NSFT and likely impact of Carlton Court closure. Duplicitous Norman Lamb pretends to be in opposition again

Listen below to Norman Lamb yet again pretend that he is in opposition rather than the Minister of State at the Department of Health directly responsible for mental health. Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), Norman Lamb’s own local mental health trust, is in constant crisis and heading towards financial collapse. Yet, unbelievably, Norman Lamb

BBC Radio Norfolk: Campaigners Emma Corlett and Terry Skyrme outline the crisis at NSFT and likely impact of Carlton Court closure. Duplicitous Norman Lamb pretends to be in opposition again Read More »

Press Release: Trust and campaign agree to work together to improve mental health services in Norfolk and Suffolk

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust and the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk and Suffolk have agreed to work together to ensure the services provided meet the needs of both counties. The Trust’s Chief Executive, Michael Scott, and Chair, Gary Page, met representatives from the Campaign in July to listen to services

Press Release: Trust and campaign agree to work together to improve mental health services in Norfolk and Suffolk Read More »

mummabearuk: A CAMHS carer responds to Norman Lamb’s ‘taskforce’

Anne, a CAMHS carer and campaign supporter, writes: “So now the press embargo has been lifted I can write about Norman Lamb’s Task Force which has been announced in today’s media. So he’s finally decided that children and young people’s mental health services need improving – has he really only just thought of this! If

mummabearuk: A CAMHS carer responds to Norman Lamb’s ‘taskforce’ Read More »

Newsflash: CAMHS crisis in tomorrow’s Independent with live interviews on BBC Radio Suffolk & Norfolk

Read Charlie Cooper’s article on the crisis in child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) tomorrow in The Independent. Listen to our campaigner and CAMHS carer, Anne,  interviewed live tomorrow: On BBC Radio Suffolk just after the 0630 news On BBC Radio Norfolk just after the 0700 news

Newsflash: CAMHS crisis in tomorrow’s Independent with live interviews on BBC Radio Suffolk & Norfolk Read More »

CAMHS Crisis Petition: Make Mental Health First Aid training mandatory for at least one teacher in every Primary and Secondary School in England

“Currently, there is no requirement on teaching staff in our schools to undertake any mental health first aid training. Physical first aid training is of course mandatory, so why not mental health? This initiative would mean that children showing early signs of mental distress may be helped earlier and signposted for early intervention as opposed

CAMHS Crisis Petition: Make Mental Health First Aid training mandatory for at least one teacher in every Primary and Secondary School in England Read More »

Healthwatch Discharge Survey: Share your story with the special inquiry (patients, family, friends and carers)

As Healthwatch is an official NHS regulator, you should have no concerns about completing the survey. Click on the image below to take the Healthwatch Internet survey for people who use mental health services or the image at the very bottom of the page to complete the survey for family members, friends and carers:  

Healthwatch Discharge Survey: Share your story with the special inquiry (patients, family, friends and carers) Read More »

Healthwatch Discharge Survey: Tell us your story: Health and care professionals

As Healthwatch is an official NHS regulator, you should have no concerns about completing the survey. Click on the links below to take the Healthwatch Internet survey: Tell us your story: Health and care professionals We want to hear from professionals working within the health and care settings.  You might be a doctor who has

Healthwatch Discharge Survey: Tell us your story: Health and care professionals Read More »

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