Friday 19th September 2014: Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) Annual General Meeting (AGM) is being held at Trinity Park, Felixstowe Road, Ipswich IP3 8UH between 1730 and 1830 with refreshments from 1700.

The Campaign is not making a major effort to be present because questions are limited to ten minutes and the whole meeting lasts only one hour. However, it would be fantastic if local campaign supporters attend and ask questions of the Board and Governors of the trust. Let us know the results if you do.

The Annual Report & Accounts 2013/14 can be downloaded from by clicking on the image below:

Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) Annual Report & Accounts 2013-14

Here’s a map if you want to attend the AGM:

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