Healthwatch Special Inquiry: What happens when people get sent home?

“Tens of thousands of people are potentially being sent home without proper support when they leave hospital or a care home. People can be left isolated and end up in crisis that could have been prevented. Through this special inquiry, we want to get a deeper understanding of what happens to people who experience ‘unsafe […]

Healthwatch Special Inquiry: What happens when people get sent home? Read More »

Sister campaigns: itv NEWS Anglia – Health campaigners win fight over Lifeworks closure plans

Congratulations to all those involved in saving Lifeworks in Cambridge. We should have posted this sooner. Click on the image to visit the itv website and watch the video. Warning: this video contains potentially distressing images of Aidan Thomas, former chief executive of Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) and initiator of the massive

Sister campaigns: itv NEWS Anglia – Health campaigners win fight over Lifeworks closure plans Read More »

Audio: Campaigner Emma Corlett of Unison interviewed on BBC Radio Norfolk about massive cuts envisaged by NSFT’s 5 Year Strategic Plan

We have already written about the massive cuts envisaged by the 5 Year Plan submitted by Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) to its regulator, Monitor. At the NSFT Board meeting last week, one of the non-executive directors of NSFT acknowledged that the real-terms depth of the planned cuts is 7.5 per cent per

Audio: Campaigner Emma Corlett of Unison interviewed on BBC Radio Norfolk about massive cuts envisaged by NSFT’s 5 Year Strategic Plan Read More »

EDP: Mental health trust warns of more jobs cuts in Norfolk and Suffolk as part of plans to make £44m more savings

Campaigners have pledged to lobby Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust’s (NSFT) board of directors meeting today over a new plan, which says that extra savings of £44m would need to be found by 2019, if there is no major increase in mental health funding. Members of the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in

EDP: Mental health trust warns of more jobs cuts in Norfolk and Suffolk as part of plans to make £44m more savings Read More »

NSFT pulls its Five Year Strategic Plan from the internet

But you can still read our copy of the five year strategic plan here. The plan begins on page 20 of the pdf. Strange the way it disappeared after we criticised it. The papers for the Board of Directors meeting in Swaffam tomorrow don’t contain it any longer. How embarrassing.

NSFT pulls its Five Year Strategic Plan from the internet Read More »

26th June 2014: Help us oppose the NSFT Board’s five year plan for further ‘savings’ of £44.1 million, 200 more job losses and more reorganisations and chaos

Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) Chair, Gary Page, is too busy watching the football in sunny Brazil to attend the next public Board of Directors meeting at The Green Britain Centre (formerly Eco-Tech) in Swaffam on Thursday, 26th June 2014. But it is vital that we attend. Join us to oppose the rubber stamping

26th June 2014: Help us oppose the NSFT Board’s five year plan for further ‘savings’ of £44.1 million, 200 more job losses and more reorganisations and chaos Read More »

EDP: Graphic – Mental health patients sent to Yorkshire, London and North East after trust misses target to end bed placements outside of Norfolk

But Terry Skyrme, who works as a social worker for the NHS trust and member of the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk and Suffolk, said that when he left work last Wednesday there were 21 patients in out of area beds, with the vast majority in private hospitals across the country. He

EDP: Graphic – Mental health patients sent to Yorkshire, London and North East after trust misses target to end bed placements outside of Norfolk Read More »

Community Care: ‘It feels like some lives are worth more than others’: working on the mental health frontline

Emma Corlett writes in Community Care (trigger alert). “As I say, some lives it seems are worth more than others. Where has the humanity gone? It’s a damning indictment of our society and the state of our services that the local shopping centre has now erected safety hoardings to prevent similar incidents. I have no words.”

Community Care: ‘It feels like some lives are worth more than others’: working on the mental health frontline Read More »

Campaign response to intimidating email from Messrs. Page & Hopkins of NSFT

“Sadly, it is necessary to comment upon the recent email from Mr Page, NSFT Chair, to all NSFT staff. Firstly, we are not a Unison campaign. Unison has no representative on the committee and, although we have received a donation from Unison for which we are most grateful, we have received significant sums from individuals

Campaign response to intimidating email from Messrs. Page & Hopkins of NSFT Read More »

Video: Crisis at NSFT leads the itv NEWS Anglia this lunchtime

The crisis in mental health services at Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) led the itv NEWS Anglia at lunchtime today. Campaign member and NSFT patient David Walter talks about how the campaign is addressing life and death issues and how mental health services can help people have a life worth living. There will

Video: Crisis at NSFT leads the itv NEWS Anglia this lunchtime Read More »

National mental health conference: Call for speakers and papers

This summer we are planning a public meeting and conference on cuts to mental health services and the national bed and community care crises. We would like to share what we have learnt and learn from others nationwide. We welcome all relevant contributions, offers of assistance, donations and sponsorship. If you have any topics you

National mental health conference: Call for speakers and papers Read More »

Appeal: TV journalists need our help on Monday or Tuesday of next week

TV journalists would like to talk to both a carer/family and someone who uses or has tried to use services provided by Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT). They are professional and we can support you in dealing with the media and ensuring your privacy and wishes are respected. They want to discuss any

Appeal: TV journalists need our help on Monday or Tuesday of next week Read More »

Sunday 4th May 2014: Join the May Day celebrations at Chapelfield Gardens, Norwich; meet us at our stall and hear campaign members Emma Corlett & Terry Skyrme speak at 1230

Come and meet us at the May Day celebrations at Chapelfield Gardens, Norwich. The campaign has a stall and Emma Corlett and Terry Skyrme will be speaking at about 12.30 p.m. We will have flyers with details of our march on the Care Minister responsible for mental health, Norman Lamb, on the weekend of the

Sunday 4th May 2014: Join the May Day celebrations at Chapelfield Gardens, Norwich; meet us at our stall and hear campaign members Emma Corlett & Terry Skyrme speak at 1230 Read More »

BBC Radio Norfolk: NSFT misleadingly claims that campaign will not meet Mr. Page

  Here’s the relevant part of our email from which Mr Page quoted, including the parts Mr Page chose not to read out in italics: 2. Informal meeting with yourself and Graham Creelman You recently met with Jxxx and Sxxxxx is having lunch with Graham Creelman today. We have every confidence in their ability to

BBC Radio Norfolk: NSFT misleadingly claims that campaign will not meet Mr. Page Read More »

BBC Radio Norfolk: NSFT crisis in mental health services dominates morning schedule

  Click the images below to listen on iPlayer to the two morning shows featuring the crisis in mental health services at Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT):    

BBC Radio Norfolk: NSFT crisis in mental health services dominates morning schedule Read More »

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