Community Care: NSFT cuts CRHT budget by 7.1% and community teams by 6.4%

  • This year’s budget for community teams at NSFT is more than two million pounds lower than last year – a cut of 6.4%
  • The NSFT community teams’ budget is being cut by £2,128,962 this year
  • Staffing of community teams has been reduced by more than thirty already this year – with more ‘voluntary redundancy’ staff to follow shortly
  • This year’s budget for Crisis Resolution Home Treatment at NSFT is nearly £450,000 lower – a cut of 7.1%
  • Staffing of CRHT has been reduced by more than twenty-three already this year
  • NSFT ‘cannot find’ the requested figures for the Suffolk Trust from before the merger – we will investigate
  • NSFT is finding it difficult to discover how many posts it has frozen or how many staff it has made redundant – we will investigate
  • Front line services, staff and service users bear the brunt of NSFT’s ‘radical redesign’ which it was claimed protected front line services
  • NSFT claims beds can be closed because of improved care in the community – how does that tally with these figures?
  • The Trust claims to be competently managed but does not know the budgets or staffing levels of the Trust with which it merged or the number of staff it has made redundant or the number of posts that have been frozen

Read more at Community Care

Kathy Chapman’s ‘response’ is here.

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