A mum killed herself the day after she learned police had axed their inquiry into her claim she was raped at an NHS clinic by a sex offender.
Kylie Payne, 23, had befriended the man when he was admitted to the mixed ward at the mental health unit where she was being treated for depression and self-harm, an inquest heard.
The court was told that doctors were “concerned” by the friendship but did not warn Kylie about the man’s convictions because of confidentiality rules.
Speaking after the inquest, Kylie’s mum Sheila said: “I was in shock when I heard she had told staff that she’d been raped.
“I was angry at the clinic. Somebody like that should never have been in the same place as vulnerable women.”
The mum-of-seven added Kylie would not have lied about being raped.
Sheila, 42, said: “I was devastated when I heard she had killed herself. Kylie needs justice.”
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