Survey: Parent/Carer experiences of Mental Health services for children & young people in Norfolk & Suffolk

Please complete the short survey by clicking on the image below if you have used or tried to use the Child Family and Young Person (CFYP) mental health services in Norfolk or Suffolk provided by Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT).

The survey ends on 9th July 2017 so please complete it as soon as possible and forward the details to others too.

Thank you.

269 thoughts on “Survey: Parent/Carer experiences of Mental Health services for children & young people in Norfolk & Suffolk”

  1. Ben Gerald David Lusher

    Mental health Treatment at 80 st Stephens commonly known as “Children, Families and Young People’s Service Central Norfolk” was non existent and traveling to the this place from rural area in south west Norfolk is just under 40 miles away which took me two buses and over 1 hour and forty- five minutes to get their to spend hour talking about how you feel. The travel alone was stressful and caused so much anxiety.Now I have been bounced by my doctors surgery and this place so many time. The first three time after the hour session they say they’ll keep in contact and they need more advice to deal with your situation. Then a month later you’ll receive a letter saying they are closing your referral because you didn’t stay in contact. I did get in contact multiple times but never got through or the call back that I was promised. The next few times my doctor sent me back I was told after the session to drop in on a few non profit organisations that could help the depression/anxiety. Which when I turned up to these suggested organisations to be verbal blasted by the organisers that I turned up and could not help me as they have become over whelmed by the multiple people from Children, Families and Young People’s Service Central Norfolk sent there way so my referral was closed again. The next time my doctor sent me to the Children, Families and Young People’s Service Central Norfolk I had the hour session where I explained that I think I might have Asperger/autism and was told I was attension seeking and doubt I have autism/Aspergers and the end of the session the mental health nurse pretty much said he can’t help me because theirs not much funding like it take money to care. I am currently attending sessions at well-being at Thetford healthy living centre taking CBT therapy and feeling like I am getting some where. but even my therapist is struggling to help me because All the issues that make me believe I may be autistic. She been honest with me and it looks like I’m going to have to go back to the Children, Families and Young People’s Service Central Norfolk before getting assessed with autism.

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