Footyfan says:
“When is this NHS Trust going to realise that whilst community-based care and treatment is great and looks to be the way forward, they must provide adequate resources for it to work? As a family that accesses this service I have to say the organisation of it is terrible; we worked out the other day that out of somewhere in the region of 14 appointments since Christmas Eve, staff from this Trust were only able to actually attend less than 50%. Reasons given were high levels of sickness, conflicts in appointment diaries, having to cover other duties, attending meetings, etc. to name a few. Staff are constantly apologising, they seem to have very low morale and I know for a fact feel less than informed as to what is happening within certain areas. I have heard one staff member say that when phoning head office for advice support the head office didn’t even know of their units existence!! If the staff don’t know what services their organisation runs and provides what hope is there for the community? The referral system is a joke – referrals that are intended to be dealt with within 28 days can take almost 3 months.”
Whether you use mental health services, are a carer or member of the staff, let us know your stories: we’re stronger together.