Campaign speaking at Momentum Norfolk public meeting: Tuesday 16th August, Belvedere Centre, Belvoir Road, Norwich NR2 3AZ at 7 p.m.

Momentum Norfolk
We have been invited to speak about mental health and the importance of local campaigning at a rally organised by Momentum Norfolk.

Why not come along and listen?

We are non-party political. We will happily to accept invitations from all mainstream political parties in Norfolk and Suffolk.

Here is some further information from the organisers:

Norfolk supporters of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will hold a rally in Norwich on Tuesday 16th August in the Belvedere Centre, Belvoir Road, opening at 6.30 p.m. for its 7 p.m. start.

The free, public event is organised by Momentum Norfolk, part of the national Momentum campaign supporting the Labour leader and his policies.

Speakers at the event include a new Labour Party member in the ‘Jeremy4Labour’ campaign and members of Norfolk campaigns supporting Mr Corbyn, including Disabled People Against Cuts and ‘NOR4NOR’: Norfolk for Nationalisation of Rail. Other speakers will attend from Equal Lives and the Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk and Suffolk.

Momentum Norfolk chairperson, George Deacon, said:

‘Support for Jeremy Corbyn and his policies is growing in Norfolk. This meeting will explain what Mr Corbyn, if re­elected, will do for the millions of people who feel ignored by Westminster politics. Community organisations will explain why they want a radical Labour government led by Jeremy Corbyn. And we will discuss plans for supporting the re­election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour’s leader and the democratisation of the Labour party. ‘We expect to hear from disgruntled Labour members denied a leadership vote – and we welcome newcomers to politics with fresh ideas and questions.’

You can register to attend and find more details here. That said, you don’t have to register and can just turn up if you want to.

Here is a location map:

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