EDP: Norfolk’s mental health service put in special measures

Tom Bristow of the EDP reports:

Special measures will see the appointment of an “improvement director” to provide expertise and hold the trust to account, and arranging a partnership with a high-performing trust.

Monitor has also imposed a new condition on NSFT’s licence, enabling the regulator to take further action, such as replacing members of the trust’s leadership team, if the required improvements are not made swiftly for patients.

The NSFT has also agreed an action plan of improvements.

Katherine Cawley, regional director at Monitor, said: “Patients in Norfolk and Suffolk deserve to receive the highest possible care, and so the failings that the CQC has identified in the trust’s services are disappointing.

“We are pleased that the trust has already started to address some of the issues raised by the CQC, but much more needs to be done.

“That’s why we have put Norfolk and Suffolk into special measures, to ensure that it gets the extra help and support it needs to make the improvements that are required.

“We will continue to work closely with the trust and monitor its progress in making the improvements that patients in Norfolk and Suffolk expect to see.”

Click on the image below to read the full article on the EDP website:

EDP Norfolk’s mental health service put in special measures

25 thoughts on “EDP: Norfolk’s mental health service put in special measures”

  1. There’s no way the Trust can turn things around with this Ship of Fools running things. Monitor, get rid of the lot of them and bring in some professionals with track records of working within the mental health services!

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