NHS Staff Survey 2015 – Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is appalling – yet again


Yet again, these results are appalling. Yet again, they are not only bottom quartile, they are bottom quartile of the bottom quartile.

  • Percentage of staff witnessing potentially harmful errors, near misses or incidents in last month – worst of 29 mental health trusts in England – for the third year running
  • Job satisfaction – NSFT is worst of the 29 mental health trusts in England – for the third year running
  • Staff recommendation of trust as a place to work or to receive treatment – worst of the 29 mental health trusts in England – for the second year running
  • Staff feeling satisfied with the quality of work and patient care they are able to deliver – worst of the 29 mental health trusts in England – for the second year running
  • Percentage of staff agreeing that their role makes a difference to patients / service users – worst of the 29 mental health trusts in England
  • Recognition and value of staff by managers and the organisation – worst of the 29 mental health trusts in England
  • Percentage of staff able to contribute towards improvements at work – worst of the 29 mental health trusts in England
  • Staff satisfaction with resourcing and support – worst of the 29 mental health trusts in England
  • Overall staff engagement – NSFT is 2nd worst of the 29 mental health trusts in England
  • Staff motivation at work – NSFT is 2nd worst of the 29 mental health trusts in England
  • Support from immediate managers – 2nd worst of the 29 mental health trusts in England
  • Effective team working – 2nd worst of the 29 mental health trusts in England
  • Fairness and effectiveness of procedures for reporting errors, near misses and incidents – 2nd worst of the 29 mental health trusts in England
  • Effective use of patient / service user feedback – 2nd worst of the 29 mental health trusts in England
  • Staff reporting good communication between senior management and staff – 3rd worst of the 29 mental health trusts in England
  • Percentage of staff suffering work related stress in last 12 months – 3rd worst of 29 mental health trusts in England
  • Staff satisfaction with level of responsibility and involvement – 3rd worst of 29 mental health trusts in England
  • Organisation and management interest in and action on health and wellbeing – 3rd worst of 29 mental health trusts in England
  • Staff confidence and security in reporting unsafe clinical practice – 3rd worst of 29 mental health trusts in England

So much for Putting People First and the incredible £107,000 April Strategy LLP charged for it. It would have been better and cheaper for each member of the Board to have bought this.

Two years ago, we told Board members that to restore staff morale and public confidence, it had to:

  • outline in detail what went wrong at NSFT, who was responsible and the implications for NSFT’s finances and services;
  • ensure that all those responsible apologised directly and sincerely;
  • provide a clear plan to put things right.

These recommendations have not been fully implemented. The disastrous staff survey results are the consequence of this cowardice.

Instead, NSFT has spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on management consultants and spin doctors.

Click on the image below to visit the NHS Staff Survey 2015 website:

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